Thursday, September 07, 2017

More adventures in Ithaca: Cornell campus, Space Sciences

As promised, a few shots on campus. The view from the Johnson Museum is stunning and the sky was absolutely gorgeous the day I was there taking photos.

Heading to Space Sciences, new academic home for my son.

It was also home to Carl Sagan!

In the hallway. Beyond my comprehension!


And on the way back to the car, more lovely Ithaca sky.

My last night in Ithaca, feeling sad, feeling happy, feeling like a mom, we were walking back to son's apartment from dinner out when suddenly out of nowhere a double rainbow appeared. My personal sign of good fortune and "all is well." What a way to end a fabulous trip and the sharing of a journey as my first-born moves into a new phase of life.


Grey Horse Matters said...

It was a very pretty sky. I like that one old building but then again I like mostly all old buildings. Good fortune is brought by a rainbow, a perfect end to the trip. Your son is a very handsome boy. I'm sure he's getting settled and loving his new studies. That's all way over my head I have enough trouble with plain math...

billie said...

I loved the campus and can't wait to see more of it. I think he's settled in for the most part - he still doesn't have snow boots and I am a little concerned but he says he'll get them when he needs them! :) You should hear the names of the courses he's taking - I may be butchering them but I *think* they are: electromagnetism, astronomical fluids, and quantum field theory. And doing research with a professor he really likes. He sent a photo a couple of weeks ago of his office door with his name on it! Love it. Meanwhile daughter is in her undergrad research class this semester and will be doing presentations - so we just went on the weekend and bought her first "business casual suit." I had to laugh at the business formal - basically looks like horse show attire but without the boots and breeches! :)