Saturday, October 31, 2020

November Hill farm journal, 111

 We’ve had a lot going on. I’m happy to say that Keil Bay is much, much improved and that is a weight off my mind, body, and spirit. I’m grateful for Marquis, Prascend, HA injections, APF, and acupuncture, and also for three great vets who love the Big Bay and helped put together a treatment plan. 

I also need to say a special thank you to Cody and the donka boys, and to remind all readers that if you don’t already know this, horses have the capacity for emotion, and they also have the capacity for deep friendship. When Keil first exhibited symptoms, Cody came up to me over and over again that first day, facing me directly, putting his face to mine, and it was clear what he was saying. HELP him. 

In the days that followed, Cody spent many hours side by side with Keil, putting himself on whichever side seemed weakest, and literally held Keil upright with his own height and weight. It might not be obvious to those who don’t know the different sizes and weights of my herd, but Cody is the only living thing on November Hill farm who is big enough to do this for Keil Bay. And he did it. He did it in the double stall, he did it in the barn aisle, he did it in the barnyards. I watched him watching Keil and putting himself right next to him, their barrels touching, Keil’s weak hind end resting against Cody. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever witnessed.

The donkeys, especially Redford, stayed with Keil overnight, because I knew they would bray their little hearts out if he went down and could not get up again. They did that for Salina, and I trusted them to do it for Keil Bay. Thankfully it didn’t happen, but what a gift to me to know they would call me if needed. 

Little Man was Keil’s first new herd member when Keil joined our family. They joined us two weeks apart, and suddenly they were pasture mates in their boarding facility, then they were the two who moved here with us to the farm. Little Man has a very bossy personality but he’s also a good friend to his herd. He has been super sweet to me since Keil got sick, coming up and licking my hands, standing quietly beside me, and in subtle ways he took over as interim herd leader. I’m sure he’s been waiting for this for years - but while he took on that role, he gave it back whenever Keil Bay asked for it. 

I’ve lived with this little herd for years now, and they have taught me so much about how horses live together and how they care for one another. They have their little arguments, they converse, they share and say no, they play, they form unique bonds, and they do, without question, love and grieve and mourn. 

In other farm news, we are fully into autumn now. The dogwood trees are gorgeous this year, with burnished red leaves and berries, and the hickory trees have gone brilliant yellow. Our late ripening fig tree is laden and giving us delicious ripe figs on a daily basis right now. As long as we don’t have a hard freeze in the next few weeks, I think this will end up being one of the best harvests ever for this tree.

We’re not having a mast year with the oaks, but there are many acorns on the ground, and in the high winds we had this week from Zeta moving through, many more fell. 

Our front pasture was limed and overseeded with orchard grass earlier in the fall, and we’ve had it closed off to the herd for well over a month now. It looks amazing! And they are definitely aware of how good it looks. I’m giving it another few weeks to mature, and once Keil has the all clear to go out to that much larger space, we’ll open the gate and let them have some time on the grass, probably an hour or two a day for a few weeks, and then I’m hoping, if weather cooperates, to do a quick liming and overseeding of the back pasture, though it may only need rest to bounce back. 

I’m definitely liming and reseeding the big barnyard, to help with the trenching that was done to run our electrical line to the camper. 

In good to do list news, my farm helper put in 40 southern bayberry bushes along the front and around the side of our property. The front line are all mulched and look really good already. As they grow and offer some privacy it’s going to be wonderful. The ones on the side are inside the pasture, in an area that has always been a bit problematic, as it’s where the storm water runs out of the front pasture. We’re going to put some fencing in that corner, to keep the horses and donkeys out of it, and that will allow me to put in a rain garden area with rock/stone to help with erosion and to give a dedicated space for pooling that will hopefully end up being a sanctuary for birds and other critters. The bayberries will add privacy from the lane and also provide a nice evergreen backdrop for our new rain garden. 

I have 10 winterberry hollies to go in that area next. They lose their leaves but are known for their bright red wintertime berries, which will be great forage for birds and a bright spot in the winter for our eyes and spirits. 

Once we get the wild plums, pawpaw, and persimmon put in, all but one down in Poplar Folly, I’ll be done with planting for this season. (Okay, I do have some native seed mixes I’m going to toss out in a few spots, but other than that...)

The bees are moving into winter mode now. There are still some things for them to forage, and they are on warm sunny days, but we’re feeding this year since these were all nucs in late spring and don’t have quite the honey stores to make it through the winter. Next year I hope they’ll have their own honey to carry them all the way through. I’m feeding 2:1 cane sugar syrup, adding an essential oil mix called Honey Bee Healthy, and also adding a tablespoon each of powdered probiotics on the side. It was recommended in a beekeeping workshop I attended via Zoom recently to feed small amounts, enough for 3 days or so, rather than one large amount less often. We’re lucky that our hives have the capacity on top to open a panel and slide the food in without disturbing the bees or allowing cold air into the hive bodies. And this week on one of the super warm days we were able to install a new inner board that has a glass panel plus three vents which allows us to feed syrup or powder using a mason jar, and which offers a very nice view of the top box frames - again, with very little disruption or cold air going into the hive itself. I’m going to see how this goes and if we find it works well, will get these panels for the other hives too. 

I hope the bees make it through the winter this year. We’ve done some things differently and I hope these colonies are strong enough to make it!

Yesterday I was thinking about the fact that I haven’t been to a store of any kind since March. My shopping is online now; thankfully our local grocery, feed, pet supply, and wine stores are all well set up for curbside pick-up or delivery. I haven’t been to malls or shopping centers regularly in years so that part isn’t much different for me, but I have loved supporting local stores and businesses and getting to know the owners and staff, and I miss that part a lot. 

While life on our little farm has its own time and space, and the “apartness” of it from the world is one of the things I love most about it, I do feel a large sense of anxiety right now that stems from the upcoming election and the things that are at risk for our country if it doesn’t go toward the light. It feels like we’re in some kind of dark place now, and while I have issues with a lot of politicians about various things, it’s clear to me that we need a change in leadership, or to put it more accurately, we need an actual leader in the White House. I want a landslide. I want to know that a lot of the people in this country care about science, about the earth, about each other. I want to know that while many of us didn’t get our first choice in the primary, we are clear enough about what is needed to take us there with this election. It’s a big step, it’s a needed step, it’s a critical step. Where we go at that point is what we face next - and we should be ready to remain engaged and demand good leadership and progressive, humane policies throughout our layers of government. But right now we have to put out the toxic fire that’s smoldering. 

That’s as much as I’m going to say today, but as protected as November Hill is from the real world issues, it’s now holding this stress as well. I know it’s so much harder for so many people. May we find a path out of this mess and may we work toward helping everyone have their own safe haven. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Addendum to the Keil “Bronco” Bay update

 Yesterday was acupuncture treatment. Today was Billie almost loses her mind while Keil goes on the rodeo circuit right here on November Hill.

They turned out after breakfast tubs this morning, and when I went out at noon to give Keil’s Prascend and bring him in, they were all lolly-gagging around in the back pasture. I went through the arena and opened its back gate so Rafer Johnson could rejoin the herd - he’d climbed through to the arena. When I walked into the back pasture, Keil cantered from a standstill up the hill to me.

Wow, I said, look at you! I gave his med and a peppermint and was thinking maybe he could just stay out another hour with his buddies. The pony cantered up just in case I had extra peppermints. I turned to walk back through the arena, and before I could even get to the gate, Keil Bay, Little Man, and Cody GALLOPED in past me and proceeded to do their galloping/bucking/rearing routine. This is pretty much the norm for them - it’s never been an everyday occurrence, but they enjoy playing in the arena when I let them. But really? While Keil is still recovering from EPM? The day after he had a swollen hock? 

They were galloping so hard the donkeys went around to the barn shelter, safely out of the way. I got a few flakes of hay and took them to the back field, through the main gate, hoping once they saw the hay they’d settle down and head back out. But no, they went on for 15 solid minutes.

I could hardly watch - I kept calling out soothing commands - waaallkkkk, and slowwwww - to no avail. When I did look, Keil was totally steady on his feet, but still, this performance scared the heck out of me.

I was afraid to intervene, as they have their patterns and were in “herd mind” - I was worried if I went in and tried to stop any of them, it would create a logjam or cause one to veer in the way of the others. 

Finally, they slowed down and once they did, I opened the arena gate that leads into the dirt paddock by the barn (which I didn’t dare do until they slowed, because they also tend to use the dirt paddock like a race track when in this mode). Keil went to his stall door and I let him through to his stall and the barn aisle. 

I’m not even kidding - he went to his hay, leaned his butt against the barn wall, and wasn’t even breathing hard. 

I messaged his acupuncture vet and said “if this is what acupuncture does, sign me up now!” I could also have used a valium! 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Update, the third, on the Big Handsome Bay

 Keil Bay seems to have come through the worst of the EPM protozoa die-off and is moving much more solidly this week. We’ve had several episodes where he’s made a break for the back pasture, at least once at a full/fast trot, and in general he’s back to wanting to be on a normal turn-out routine. 

He’s still eating well, drinking normally, and generally hoovering up all the meds he’s getting each day. He has 2.5 weeks left on Marquis, and we’ll see if he needs to go longer on it when we’re closer to the 30-day mark. He remains on Bute as an anti-inflammatory. He’s also getting two alternating homeopathic remedies for PPID, was tapered to a full dose of the adaptogen tincture APF, and as the die-off has died down, we’re tapering him onto Prascend. He’s up to .5 mg and after two more days of that, we’ll move him up to .75 mg.

Today he had his second acupuncture treatment and he loved it even more this time. He has a slightly swollen hock today, and we decided to start him on monthly HA injections to help with overall joint health, and believe it or not, he loved getting the injection! It’s arterial, so no big deal, but he leaned into the vet tech as she gave it and did his googly eyes at her. What a horse - he followed the vet, the tech, and I through the barn and I think would have gone all the way to the vet truck if I’d let him. 

So he’s through the worst of the EPM, we’re working on the PPID, and he’s got several new therapies on board to make life better as he goes on into his 31st year. I’m happy to be on this side of the EPM stuff, but obviously we’re still treating, still monitoring, still making sure things are moving in the right direction.

I’m grateful for good vet care and for all the treatment options at our disposal. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

What’s Coming Up In The Garden, 62: southern bayberry (aka wax myrtle)

 Yesterday my super farm helper put in 23 of the 25 southern bayberries I ordered last spring. We’ve put them in in front of our front pasture fencing, where they will not only offer a native plant benefit to pollinators, birds, and other wildlife, they’ll also provide privacy screening for us as they grow. 

These bushes are evergreen, deer resistant, hardy once established, and they can grow up to 8 feet per year, which means you get your privacy very quickly. They can be pruned or let go to create a very thick hedgerow effect, and you can let them grow to the ground for a full shrub effect, or limb them up to get more of a single trunk/tree effect. 

Right now, I’m just thrilled they are in the ground, watered, and waiting for mulch. Up near the gate, we will put them in behind the fence instead of in front, to give a layered effect and keep the gateway from the road tidy and distinct. 

I love the idea of a dense thicket effect and spaced them such that they will definitely grow to meet in the middle unless we intervene. One more thing checked off the list!

We also finally had the barn electric box updated, a line run to the barnyard/camper, and new outlets installed in the barn aisle. I have more projects for the electrician in the barn and the house, but this was a full day of work, and got done what we needed for now. Check, and onward. 

More info on the bayberries:

Morella cerifera

Morella cerifera (L.) Small

Wax Myrtle , Southern Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry, Eastern Bayberry, Bayberry, Candleberry, Tallow Shrub

Myricaceae (Bayberry Family)

Synonym(s): Cerothamnus ceriferusCerothamnus pumilusMorella ceriferavar. pumilaMyrica ceriferaMyrica cerifera var. pumilaMyrica pusilla

USDA Symbol: moce2

USDA Native Status: L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N)

A wispy, 6-12 ft., multi-trunked, evergreen shrub, southern bayberry or wax myrtle can reach 20 ft. in height. The light olive-green foliage has a spicy fragrance. Pale blue berries occur on female plants in the winter. Handsome gray bark is almost white on some plants. 

Native from New Jersey west to eastern Oklahoma and east Texas, south through Mexico to Central America as well as through much of the Caribbean, this popular evergreen ornamental is used for screens, hedges, landscaping, wetland gardens, habitat restoration, and as a source of honey. Essentially a shrub, it serves as an excellent screen plant, with both standard and dwarf varieties available. Because there are separate male and female plants, if you want berries you must have male plants close enough to the berry-producing female plants for pollination to occur. The leaves are aromatic, with an appealing, piquant fragrance when crushed. Colonists separated the fruits waxy covering in boiling water to make fragrant-burning candles, a custom still followed in some countries.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A few farm photos

 My husband took this one the other morning and I love the foggy landscape, the redbud leaves now yellow, and a certain Bear Corgi showing off his home.

This is one large cluster of asters in the pollinator bed. There are two other large clusters as well, and I can tell you that if you want to support bees, whether honey bees, native bees or all of the above, this is a must-have for autumn forage. It’s covered on these sunny fall days.

Here’s one of our girls foraging, with already full pollen baskets!

I also noticed and took a photo today (but it isn’t loading on my ipad via icloud and I don’t have phone with me at the moment) of my climbing asters newly planted this summer. They kept getting nibbled back by bunnies until we fenced them off, and then they leafed out nicely. They now have buds soon to open! I’ll take a photo of the blooms when they open up. I’m happy they’re finally kicking off to a good start.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Clementina Pumpkin

 Every day I get photos like this in our fam chat and all I can think is - Clem needs her own calendar. :)

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Spotlight on Clem and Baloo, again

 My daughter keeps taking stunning portraits of our dogs. Hello, Baloo:

And hello, Clementine and Baloo, best friends:

Friday, October 16, 2020

What’s Coming Up In The Garden, 61: blue vervain


This little plant seems small and ground-hovering, but will grow tall and spiky next spring/summer. It will be lovely wafting next to the fuchsia bluebird box, I think! Imagine the color combination of purple + fuchsia + the blue and cinnamon of bluebirds! 

More info:

Blue Vervain can offer a strong upright accent to any perennial garden or prairie/savanna.  The small, tubular, blue-violet flowers bloom from the bottom up in July's heat.  The numerous crowning spikes of blossoms give a candelabra-like appearance to this graceful plant.

Livestock will not eat Verbena so it may be thought of as "weedy" by some who observe it in a pasture setting. In a natural prairie it is not aggressive.  In fact, it is a rather short-lived perennial that will not compete well with more aggressive vegetation.  It self-seeds readily and is very easy to germinate, so it is a common component of many drier prairie seed mixes.  The seeds are a staple for many small mammals and birds that depend on this widely-distributed plant.

As the alternative name Swamp Verbena suggests, this Vervain likes wet, even soggy, conditions but also will grow in medium soils.  Full sun to partial sun are its preferred sun conditions. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Second update on the Big Bay

 The Marquis prescribed for his EPM is on allocation and shipping was delayed, so we started him on a different EPM med called Re-Balance last week. On day three of that, symptoms worsened slightly, but by day four he was back to his improved self. The Marquis arrived yesterday just in time to give his daily dose, so we’ve switched him to the Marquis for 28 days and will finish off the Re-Balance at the end of that, assuming things look good.

Being the generally cooperative guy he is, I usually don’t have to halter Keil to give meds, so he took the Marquis easily, but then didn’t want to stand still for some needed fly spray (we got close to 80 yesterday and the gnats were back in full force!). My husband got his halter and Keil Bay cantered from a standstill around the entire barn and into the other end of the barn aisle, looking quite stable and fit. So I’m feeling relieved about how this is going so far.

I’m tapering him off the Bute now and he’ll go on Duralactin to keep a non-prescription, milder anti-inflammatory on board through the EPM treatment. 

Today he’s starting APF (an adaptogen) in advance of tapering slowly onto Prascend to treat the PPID/Cushings. After consulting with my homeopathic vet, he’ll stay on his two remedies and I’m going to use the Prascend to see if there is improvement overall while also pulling bloodwork each 4-6 weeks to track his ACTH level. We’re in the seasonal rise still so I want to have a snapshot of how his ACTH tracks coming out of it. We should have one more look at it before the Prascend kicks in, and then see where it goes from there. has a database of great information about managing horses dealing with this disease, which is quite common in older horses and if left untreated can cause severe symptoms in some. 

Overall, Keil Bay is looking good and while I’m keeping a close eye on him, he seems to be his usual self right now. He has hoof trim tomorrow and chiro on Saturday so those two things will offer some more clues to how he’s doing, and he’ll get another acupuncture treatment next week. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What’s Coming Up In The Garden, 60: Culver’s root

 The wonderful extension agent Debbie Roos taught me that using something tall like Culver’s root is a good accent mixed into a native plant design, so I’ve incorporated this idea into the new pollinator bed. I’m so excited to see how it looks next spring and summer!

More info:

Veronicastrum virginicum (Culver's root)
Bruso, George H. 

Veronicastrum virginicum

Veronicastrum virginicum (L.) Farw.

Culver's Root

Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)

Synonym(s): Leptandra virginicaVeronica virginica

USDA Symbol: vevi4

USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)

The unbranched stems of Culver’s-root grow 2-6 ft. tall and are topped by several spikes of densely-clustered, tiny, white flowers. The total effect is candelabra-like. Narrowly oval, dark-green leaves are arranged in whorls around the stem. The common name was to honour Dr. Culver who prescribed the plant as an effective laxative. (Lamb/Rhynard) Dense, narrow, cylindrical, spike-like clusters of small, white, tubular flowers are at the top of an erect stem over whorled leaves. 

The genus name, a combination of Veronica and the suffix astrum (false), describes this plants resemblance to the Veronicas. It is the only species in the genus. It can be grown easily in wildflower gardens. The root contains a powerful emetic and cathartic.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Spotlight on Baloo

 I haven’t spotlighted the farm family lately, so thought I’d weave in a series doing this. Here’s Baloo, our Cardigan Welsh Corgi. He’s a security officer extraordinaire and has gradually become a solid citizen around the equines. Hello, Cody!

He’s a good pal to Clem and Bear, a very loving dog, and a fierce announcer of anything and everything happening around the farm. 

Thanks to my daughter for the photos. She’s now doing pet portraits! Feel free to contact me if you’d like to hire her. :)

Saturday, October 10, 2020

What’s Coming Up In The Garden, 59: basil bee balm

 This really lovely bee balm is one of the new native species I’ve planted in the new pollinator bed. One of the plants had a few spent blooms left over from earlier in the summer and bees have already found it and foraged it, which means it should be a big hit next year.

More info:

Scientific Name:

Monarda clinopodia



Species Epithet:


Common Name:

Basil Bergamot, White Bergamot, Basil Beebalm

Plant Type


Life Cycle


Plant Family

Lamiaceae (Mint Family)


NC Native


3-6 ft.

Bloom Color(s):

White, Pink


Sun - 6 or more hours of sun per day, Part Shade - 2 to 6 hours of sun per day

Soil Moisture:


Bloom Time:

May, June, July, August, September

Growing Area:

Mountains, Piedmont

Habitat Description:

Mesic, forested slopes (Weakley 2015). Common in NC Mountains, rare in Piedmont.

Leaf Arrangement:


Leaf Retention:


Leaf Type:

Leaves veined, not needle-like or scale-like

Leaf Form:


Life Cycle:


Wildlife Value:

Important for Wildlife

Landscape Value:

Recommended and Available



Thursday, October 08, 2020

What’s Coming Up In The Garden, 58: Meehan’s Mint (+ a better shot of the gate decor)

 Grabbed a better photo today - I am loving seeing these beauties each time I drive into the farm gate.

This Meehan’s Mint is a ground-covering mint that I’ve put in the front of the shade bed. I’m hoping it will spread out and create a nice frontispiece to the mix in the long, slightly lanky shape of this native planting. 

More info:

Meehania cordata 
Common Name: Meehan's mint 
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Lamiaceae
Native Range: Eastern United States
Zone: 4 to 8
Height: 0.25 to 0.50 feet
Spread: 0.25 to 1.50 feet
Bloom Time: May to June
Bloom Description: Lavender blue
Sun: Part shade to full shade
Water: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Suggested Use: Naturalize
Flower: Showy
Tolerate: Heavy Shade


Best grown in rich, humusy, medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade. Tolerates full sun as long as soils are kept uniformly moist. Also tolerates full shade. Stoloniferous but not too aggressive.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Meehania cordata, commonly called Meehan’s mint or creeping mint, is a stoloniferous, mat-forming mint that resembles in appearance the common lawn and garden weed known as gill-over-the-ground or ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea), but it does not exhibit the very aggressive tendencies of the latter. It is native from western Pennsylvania to North Carolina, Tennessee and Illinois, where it typically occurs in rich woods and wooded slopes. This is a low-growing perennial with trailing square stems and opposite broadly heart shaped green leaves (to 1” long) with crenate margins. Hooded, two-lipped, lavender blue flowers bloom in mid to late spring. Flowers (to 1” long) are somewhat large for the plant, appearing in upright 3-inch spikes on stems rising to 4-6” tall.

Genus name honors distinguished American horticulturist and editor Thomas Meehan (d. 1901).

Specific epithet means heart-shaped in reference to the leaves.


No serious insect or disease problems. Some susceptibility to slugs.

Garden Uses

Ground cover for shade gardens, woodland gardens or shady border areas.

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Update on the Big Bay

 First, he received his first acupuncture treatment this morning and he loved it - much licking and chewing and then eyes closing as he went into the zen zone, plus much giving of thanks to his vet and to me after she left. I’m happy we have an additional supportive therapy to plug into his repertoire. 

The vet did her own pre-acupuncture exam and today he is weak on the right (vs the left on Friday) and she feels he has slight lameness going on in the left rear. But she trotted him out and there was no wobbling at all, so that was good for me to see, even if it did scare me a little.

He scanned well after the acupuncture and he’s already set to get another treatment in two weeks.

As this vet drove off the farm, I got the message from his other vet that the EPM test came back positive. He’ll start the treatment for that ASAP. 

I’m relieved to have a definitive diagnosis, and happy his two vets will confer and put everything together to get the best treatment plan possible as we move forward. He’s in good spirits, enjoying the attention, and mostly looks better than he did last week. He’s got chiro and hoof trim coming up so basically everything should be in good shape for him as we get rid of the protozoa!

What’s Coming Up In The Garden, 57: swamp doghobble

 Now that fall is here I’m starting to put new native species in, so they can develop strong root systems over the winter and come up raring to go in the spring. Everything I’ve planted in the fall has done extremely well with no pampering except insuring the plants get water through the winter. Usually the rainfall takes care of that.

This week, I added a lovely native shrub, swamp doghobble, to the shade bed. It will be the backdrop for a number of the other plants already living there and eventually will grow tall enough to hide the drainage ditch and pipe we have on the back side of the bed. With its leaves turning red in the autumn, it will also add some color!

More info:

Eubotrys racemosa 

Previously known as:

  • Leucothoe racemosa
Phonetic Spelling
YOO-bot-trees ray-see-MO-suh

Swamp Doghobble is a 3 to 6 feet tall deciduous shrub with alternate leaves. The shiny stems are a mix of green and red. In the spring, white, bell-shaped flowers appear on 3- to 4-inch racemes. Leaves turn red in the fall.

It prefers a moist, cool, acidic soil. It can be grown in full sun, but must have good moisture. Does not tolerate drought or windy conditions. Although winter hardy to Zone 5, this shrub should be planted in a protected location and given a good winter mulch in cooler areas.  Can be evergreen in warmer zones.

This twiggy, spreading plant sends out suckers to form colonies.  Although it has no serious insect or disease problems, it is susceptible to root rot and leaf spot.

Monday, October 05, 2020

This and That, or My Distracted Day

 I’ve been reading too much news coverage the past 48 hours and I feel like I’ve had about 5 extra shot lattes. Time to cut back on news and Twitter.

Meanwhile, a couple of the outfits I ordered arrived today and I was rocketed back to Hanna Andersson catalogs and the absolute softness of this cotton clothing.  

The asters are coming in! And the bees are going nuts. I’m loving this combo.

My daughter had one of her lovely photos included in Ocean Conservancy’s 2021 calendar! She’s a rock star!

I moved the pumpkins to the ledge where we’ll enjoy them coming, going, and even glancing out the front windows.

I hung the fall horse wreaths on the gate. They’re gorgeous but 1) the photo in full blazing sunlight washes everything out, and 2) I need to do my annual tung oil application.

The new native plant pollinator doubling as rain garden bed. I’ll profile the plants in subsequent posts, but I’m really happy with how I think this will look next spring and summer. Did I get smarter about layout and weaving in heights/colors/textures/something blooming all the time? We shall see!

This post represents completely the state of my brain and my day. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some relaxed thinking and more focus!

Saturday, October 03, 2020

She Brings Joy


(She = daughter who took the photo and Clem who posed so nicely)

Friday, October 02, 2020

Good thoughts for the Big Bay

 Two days ago Keil Bay suddenly had an issue with his hind end being noticeably weak, particular on the left side, and it got better, worse, and better again by today’s vet appointment. He’s had a full neurological exam, much bloodwork, and the vet suspects it might be EPM. We have a good treatment plan in place until test results are in, and a tentative plan depending on his lab results. 

Meanwhile we’re starting acupuncture and increased vitamin E as supportive therapies that will help no matter what the diagnosis.

Keil is 31, and he’s been the healthiest animal on the farm from the day he came home with me. He’s also my dream horse and while I know I have to be ready for anything, it’s so hard to imagine him sick or incapacitated. Last night I cried until my eyes were swollen, imagining the worst, and today I feel much more hopeful that this is not as terrible as I thought last night, but we would love whatever good energy anyone wants to send his way. 

Today, I sat and watched him after the vet left and who would ever think this handsome guy is 31? He’s the King. :)