Published Essays and Short Fiction

A list of my short work and where it was published. Click on the titles to read and/or purchase.


Feeding Horses And Other Things, featured in Chatham County’s Downtown Poetry Stroll during April 2024 as a poetry installation; now published on Remedies For Excited Amygdalas. 

She Wants To Swim With Narwhals, flash fiction in Permafrost. 


Why Life Is Crazy But Manages Also To Be Beautiful, flash nonfiction forthcoming in Door Is A Jar’s summer 2024 edition. 

Remedy For An Excited Amygdala, flash nonfiction in Streetlight Mag’s Street Talk. 

Swallows, flash nonfiction in JMWW. 

Chipping Sparrows Tell Tales of Joy and Sorrow, flash fiction in Does It Have Pockets. 


Longing Is Not Regret, flash nonfiction in The Citron Review. 

When They Were Gone, flash fiction in On The Run.

To The Grassy Bald We Named Sweet Bay, creative nonfiction flash piece in The Hopper, issue 7.2, fall 2022. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize. 

Everything Is Connected, creative nonfiction in Minerva Rising’s Special 10th Anniversary Anthology - Then, Now, and Future

We Are The Charm, flash fiction forthcoming in River Teeth’s Awake In The World, volume 3. 

Journey, a prose poem, in Streetlight Magazine and Streetlight’s 2022 print anthology. 

Everything You Hold Onto In Your Body Lets Go, a micro essay, in River Teeth Journal’s Beautiful Things.


Pacemaker of the Heart, flash fiction, in failbetter. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize. 

Journey, a prose poem, 3rd place, NC Jung Society 2021 Poetry Contest. 

Stuck, an essay on when the thing that is stuck in your throat is your heart, in Manifest-Station


Threads, an essay about my grandma, in Minerva Press’ The Keeping Room

Stealing Light, an essay on an office break-in, 3rd place winner in Streetlight Mag’s 2020 Essay/Memoir contest, also in Streetlight Magazine Anthology 2020, available HERE.


Places I Went With My Dad, an essay remembering my dad, Longridge Review.


Letter To My Self On Lying Fallow, an essay on creative process, Streetlight Mag.


Diary of a Cutting, an essay on the cutting down of trees, Riverfeet Press Anthology, Awake In The World.

Airplanes, an essay on motherhood and launching, Manifest-Station.


Trauma Tattoos, a short story in Not One Of Us, #57, also Honorably Mentioned in Skyhorse Publishing/Nightshade Books’ Best Horror of the Year, Volume Ten, edited by Ellen Datlow. 

The Great Height and the Long View, an essay on writing, reading, and mothering, Literary Mama.

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