I started snapping, and then got caught up in Rafer Johnson's handsome self.
Notice that young Redford never looks up, but takes the opportunity to move in on the hay pile!
I love this one, when Salina realized I was taking photos and decided she wanted a nice head shot too.
Great pictures. What a handsome group. It's nice that they all share.
The poor geldings! They are handsome too but for some reason the donkeys just pull the camera lens in their direction!
I have a serious question - I have Buddy - my QH - and he is lonely - I have fallen in love with donkeys and was wondering if a donkey would be a good companion for Buddy? Any advise???
God I love that Rafer Johnson.
Happy Thanksgiving to you. I'm thankful for your wonderful blog!
Hey! We have had nothing but good results with the donkeys here. Rafer Johnson came first, and I introduced him to the herd one horse at a time. It took about a week before I turned him out with all of them together, but he fit right in.
Redford has not batted an eye. He hasn't been turned out with the geldings yet just b/c of Rafer's leg and the healing. But as you can see Salina and these two are best buddies and get along great.
The donkeys are very healthy and so hardy. And SOOO sweet. :)
I would definitely give it a shot. Buddy would enjoy the company, I'm sure!
We love Rafer too! :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, Mamie. I'm grateful for good blogging friends.
I can hardly stand it, Billie! Rafer, Redford AND Salina all in one photo looking as cute as pie?!
I thought the one of them laying down with Salina keeping watch was precious. This just makes me say "Awww!" :)
New Mexico
It's true, Lisa, it's hard not to walk around taking photos of these three all day long.
Awww....they look so sweet in the last one....
Thanks, BumbleVee - hope you'll visit often!
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