My husband and daughter are 2/3 of my equine care "team" - so with both of them gone, I knew it would be a busy couple of days. Fortunately, my son is very horse-savvy, having ridden and handled horses from age 7-13, and he is more than capable of doing anything that needs to be done with our herd. He pitched in and made my work tremendously easier, and we treated ourselves to dinner out on Friday night, which was very nice.
We learned that he is very gifted at managing the resident equine goddess, Salina. And I was intrigued by the fact that of my family members, the teen-aged son is the least likely to question my "way of doing things." Who would have imagined *that*?
We also learned that the pony much prefers his girl to do his daily care!
Keil Bay did a very nice thing yesterday, and while I wasn't surprised, I want to share it so I can take the extra opportunity to appreciate what a fine horse he is. I was picking his hooves in the paddock, sans halter or lead rope, and I was talking to my son at the same time. Somehow, I inadvertently gestured with the hand holding the pick, and the pick flew up under Keil Bay just as I released his hind hoof. It didn't occur to me not to just lean up under him, from behind, to grab the pick. Had he put his hoof down at that moment, it would have conked me right in the head, so he held it up, and actually drew it up close to his body to give me more room down there.
It wasn't until after I got the pick and stood upright that I realized he had his entire hind leg drawn up and was holding it that way until he made sure I wasn't beneath him.
Such a good horse!
Late in the afternoon yesterday my son and I decided to make a run to the store. When we were in the parking lot getting ready to come home, I had a little premonition. And when we got back home, I found that my daughter had called to share a little news.
Her team won their division in the Regional Quiz Rally! Congratulations, girls!
Congratulations to all the girls, great job! I'm not surprised your son didn't question you, he knows your routine and trusts your judgment with the horses. It was nice to spend time with him and go out to dinner.
As for Keil Bay, he is one terrific horse who obviously loves you very much to be so careful around you. And I might add he's aware of where you are at all times and is probably one of the smartest horses I've ever heard about. I'm not so sure some of mine would have had that much care around me.
Thanks, Arlene. I agree that Keil Bay is one terrific horse. I am constantly reminded of that.
Great accomplishment for your daughter at the Pony Club Quiz. It brings back fond memories of when my girls were in the Pony Club many more years ago than I like to think about. I think I enjoyed it as much as they did.
I love the donkey pictures. What a couple of hams, posing for the camera!! You have a great eye for capturing their personalities. (Maybe consider a donkey calendar for next year??) Our donkeys in Ontario have such furry faces you really have to look to see their eyes. Gives "unibrow" new meaning.
Keil Bay sounds like an amazing partner. We don't always give our horses credit for the considerations they show us. I don't think a lot of people even recognize it when they do. You sound like a great team.
Nacho, we have enjoyed the Pony Club, and I actually joined as a Horsemaster this year. (kind of like PC, but for grown-ups...:)
I wanted to do a calendar this year that we could give as gifts to family and friends, but didn't manage to get it organized in time. Maybe next year?
Keil Bay is a real sweetheart, that's for sure. I do not know how I got so lucky, but he was and is the perfect horse for me, that's for certain!
Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your son! I wish my sons were more interested in horses - only my daughter.
Isn't it great to realize that your horse pays so much attention and cares so much? What a great horse!
Linda, it was a lot of fun when my son was still riding. There are so many pictures of him at 6/7/8/9 on horseback, jumping, cantering, with a big grin on his face. He loved it.
He still loves the horses and will often go out and visit with them, but the day in- day out routine of chores, grooming, tacking up, and riding seems to have lost its appeal for him.
Maybe one day he'll decide to get back in the saddle.
Yes, Keil Bay is great. I suppose I should say that he can sometimes be a bit bossy. Like today when he marched away when he realized I wasn't riding but just grooming him in the paddock. I ended up trotting past him out to the back field and of course that intrigued him and he decided he might like being groomed after all.
They're all starting to get a bit antsy b/c they know the spring grass is starting to come in.
Grass? What is grass? We have over the past week end received another 3 - 5" of snow and last night it was so cold the snow squeaked when you walked on it.
This morning the horses all had every whisker on their muzzles and their eyelashes covered in frost. Poor Nacho's ears had frost covered hairs and little icicles in a row on the hairs on his belly. However, they are starting to shed so I am eagerly anticipating an end to this nonsense but I fear that anything green will be some time in coming.
Nacho, we too had a very cold night for us (14 degrees) and ice in the water troughs, but I know you all are so much colder and keep getting more snow!
If I could, I'd send you warmer weather and some signs of spring. Stay warm - it will come eventually!!
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