Sunday, February 24, 2008


I woke up this morning wondering if I would really stick to my plan to tuck myself away with second novel ms pages, research books, and my own revision notes, and dig into the rewrite.

As usual, I check in with email and blogs first thing. And what I found has been so perfect in focusing my day back to my commitment to do this writing work, I want to share.

I'd been waiting to bestow the Blog of Excellence award because it's so easy to dispense with that kind of thing quickly and without much thought. But this morning it's clear and I'd like to give it to two wonderful bloggers: Kyle Kimberlin and Wenda Nairn.

Kyle's blog, metaphor, is a wonderful mix of poetry, news that's truly interesting, and the beauty in a simple yet profound day.

Wenda's blogs, Daring To Write and Loving What Is, use words and images to evoke and inspire.

I'm not doing either of them justice in my descriptions, so please click on the links and go see them for yourselves. They are truly Blogs of Excellence.

And Kyle and Wenda, if you'd like to put the award image on your blog, just scroll down to my blog post titled Blog of Excellence and click on the image.

I'm going to be working as much as I can today on my revision, and during moments of pause when I need to revive myself, I'll be visiting these blogs to do so.


The Zoo Keeper said...

I'm so glad you posted this and shared about those blogs. They will be new to me and I look forward to checking them out. :-)

Best of luck with digging in to your work today. I hope all goes well.

billie said...

I think you'll like all of them.

I have gotten sidetracked today with things like giving Adequan injections to horses, putting away Christmas decorations, cleaning my garret, watching a Jane Savoie DVD, etc.

Maybe I needed to clear some stuff on my list before proceeding to dig in? I'm not sure, but the night is young and tomorrow's a whole 'nother day. :)

daringtowrite said...

Thanks Billie ~ both for the award and for introducing me to Kyle's! I'm so glad we are inspiring and supporting one another.

Hope you have a great day of writing!

billie said...

You are most welcome - I'm happy to recognize your lovely sites.

I'm definitely inspired - and glad you found Kyle's blog as well as his post on mystic-lit. He's great.

The Zoo Keeper said...

I can totally relate to having to clear things from lists! And yes, there is tomorrow. We never know what it might bring. :-)

billie said...

Here I am back in the garret, which means I'm working now... :)