Today was one of those perfect days that defies the calendar and foreshadows spring: sunshine, bulbs near to bloom, a few flies buzzing around, a March wind. The horses are starting to shed some of their winter coats, and Keil Bay needed sponging after our ride. The water from the barn pump felt cool instead of cold, and lawnmowers buzzed in the afternoon. No one was actually mowing grass yet, but it was easy to imagine they might be.
The day lasted longer, it seemed. Shadows etched images all over the house, through the windows, and outside, on the back of the barn, the branches of the maple tree seemed to form a living creature, in silhouette, against the wall. The shadows of last year's leaves could easily be new ones. The horses stayed out past dark, imagining night-time turn-out in such balmy weather, because the wind died down to nothing at dusk, and suddenly it was warm, uncannily so, for the slide into evening.
Early this morning we clicked back to February and temps in the thirties. It will seem chilly today but we'll settle back in and wait for the real thing to come.
Beautifully evocative descriptions, Billie. Thanks for crafting such marvelous prose and a striking photograph of the shadows. What a treat to read and see this morning.
And the daffodils are indeed blooming near the barnyard stile. . .
I'll check out the daffodils on my way to the barn!
Hi Billie,
What a beautiful descriptive post.I can almost smell the spring wafting in the air from here. We have not even a bud around here yet. The snow finally melted yesterday with the rain and the fog.
Stop by and pick up your Blog of Excellence Award when you get the chance.
I know you are all ready for some relief from winter up there!
I'm hoping we don't have a repeat of last year, when we had an early spring and then a very late hard frost that turned many of the new leaves on the trees black, killed our fly predators, and killed a pretty big oak tree in our back yard. We will miss that shade this summer.
We do have a few daffodils in bloom, and with horses shedding some, I suspect the Real Thing is on its way.
Thank you SO MUCH for the Blog of Excellence award. I just went to pick it up and tried to comment but something was not working - will go back later and will get the post up in a few days' time!
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