I groomed Keil Bay and did some ground work with him, and then took the grooming kit out to the front field and worked on everyone. It's finally true - we have the whole song: black and bay, sorrel and gray, and one painted little pony...
Around four, the wind died down a little, so I tacked Cody up and rode. It was one of those rides you think is going to be arduous, due to time off and the distraction of the wind. But as it turned out, this 4-year old let his best self shine, and we had one of the best rides we've had in months. Maybe it was the audience: Keil Bay, Salina, Apache Moon, and Rafer came up to watch. Rafer seemed particularly perplexed. "What in the world is she doing to that horse?"
A cast of hawks coasted overhead, like a living kaleidoscope in the sky. The waxing full moon rose just as Cody and I finished up.
And finally, I got an email tonight that our newest family member was born today - his name is Redford and he will be coming to join us in August. This is Redford, very soon after his birth, with his mother, Red Velvet. You can't have just one!
Wonderful pictures!
It was a good day in general, but the light was especially nice in the afternoon.
I'll bet Rafer will be pleased about the new little guy. :-)
I think he will - although he's so comfortable with the horses it's hard to believe he's not one himself. He was very confident from birth, and I think it's paying off in his transition here. I integrated slowly and carefully and he's really adjusted well.
I hope Redford's transition is as smooth!
I love the pictures, glad you were able to ride. Redford is adorable, and I love his name. I'm sure Rafer will love his little brother. You're right you can't have just one, that's what I'm afraid of, if I get one I'll have to get two and on and on and on.
The breeders are under strict instructions to delete any further emails they might get from me about purchasing donkeys. :)
I've been alternating riding Keil Bay and Cody instead of trying to ride multiple horses each day. It's actually a pretty good combo for me - Keil Bay is huge with big strides and Cody has smaller strides (he was trained Western Pleasure so we're trying to open up his movement and encourage him to be more expressive) but is incredibly responsive.
It's good for me to go back and forth between the two!
Aw! Redford is so darned cute!
Isn't he, though? Rafer is being a little pistol this week - he's really getting comfortable to express himself with the horses and with us. His confidence is stunning. Paired with sweetness it's just perfect.
I can't wait to see what Redford is like. The donkeys have such different personalities - it will be fun to get to know him as the months pass.
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