I love that they can eat together so respectfully. They get the privilege of eating in the barn aisle because they are so very controlled and courteous. I can't imagine the horse geldings behaving this responsibly!
Everyone got about 8 hours in the field before the rain kicked back in, and tomorrow is supposed to dawn sunny and nice, so if they can hang in there one more soggy night, we should get some relief from the wet stuff.
Those two are so cute, I would love to be greeted by their happy little donkey mugs each morning. Hope you get some relief from the weather soon, only I hope it's not heading up this way. We've got lots of work to do cleaning the farm up after the winter.
Arlene, I hope it misses you too - I can't imagine dealing with days of rain on top of melting ice/snow.
What a mess that would be!
they are too sweet! my boys would be brawling as well :-\
too bad about the rain. i think it is supposed to reach us by thursday. figures - just when things were starting to dry out enough to maybe ride...
Oh no! I hoped this big rain front was just moving out to sea. :/
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