Another rainy day, but it's the wonderful, warm, soft-falling rain of spring. I marched the wheelbarrow down the hill this morning in it, and the horses were on the back hill grazing in it. Rafer Johnson is quite enamoured of the copse of trees in back that has stumps and a pile of red clay dirt, and he was climbing around in his own little playground as I passed by.
Stalls are mucked, horses are fed, and the front porch is quite the contrast to the gray skies.
We have rain here again today. No flowers yet, but there are a few buds coming up, someday they will be day lilies and daffodils and tulips, but for now just some sprouts. Your flowers look very sunny on a misty day. Rafer sounds as if he is amusing himself.
It's turned into a very odd day - 70 out and now the sun is shining and the sky is clear. BUT, the wind is whipping up and supposedly it's blowing cooler air in, so now it's thundering and thunderstorms have been predicted for later this evening.
In any case, the horses have ended up being able to be out all day, the sunshine is drying things out a little, which is good, since it looks like we have rain Thursday-Saturday.
Rafer was just running around out there. He stays busy and happy!
Your beautiful photos make me think that we're a couple of weeks behind you. I remember living in Virginia and how much warmer it was than up in New England- that's part of the Southern charm. All that rain will be good for a decent local hay harvest this summer, won't it? Let's hope it keeps up this year.
It was balmy here this morning, and now that the sun's out, even more so. The dogwoods are close to being at full bloom - another day or two and they'll be brilliant.
I'm awaiting fly predators b/c the rain combined with these warm temps are going to hatch out tons of flies!
Beautiful photos, Billie. Truly a breath of fresh air. :-)
--Zoo Keeper
Thanks - we're having some unusual cloud formations both last night and this morning that you'd just love!
Oh, I most definitely would love that! My favorite photo subject. I'm hoping something interesting like that will turn up around here very soon. I'll have to keep my camera battery charged just in case. :-) Actually, I did snap a few off a couple of days ago. Maybe I will post something if there is anything good in there. I haven't had time to look yet ( due to tax season, etc.).
For a new subject, I am hoping to take a trip to the Everglades when the kids get out of school for the summer.
--Zoo Keeper
Tomorrow it supposed to almost make it to the 60s here. I can't wait, we have no flowers here yet either. Some daffodil buds but just barely buds is it.
L, I'll keep a check to see if you've added new photos!
MiKael, I hope you get a taste of spring soon. Our daffodils are finished blooming and we've moved on to redbuds and now dogwoods. The little yellow primroses are kind of amazing. They come out of nowhere, FAST. :)
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