Since crows and ravens tend to accompany me everywhere, I wasn't surprised so much, but immediately calmed down my agitation and wondered: now where is the third one? And at that moment it flew down and joined the other two.
By the time I got down the road and parked the car in the appropriate parking lot, the three crows had come along and were on the grass just adjacent to my car.
I spent a very long time waiting to see the doctor and finally emerged with a script for antibiotics. Yuck. But okay. Preferable to tick-borne diseases.
Back home reading blogs, I was moved to smile and ponder when I got to Mamie's place.
She inspired me to post a photo of my own junky closet! I don't know why, but I just love the idea of exposing my inner junky self to the world. Maybe it will inspire me to clean it out!
And if you looked closely you saw Apollo Moon, aka Moomin, who very much wanted to be in the limelight today.
Mommin is very cute. Your closets aren't as bad as some of mine. I will put on my to-do list, clean out a closet or two, I'd like to say you have inspired me to clean them out, but let's just go with you reminded me. Take your medicine, I know it's not the best stuff, but my daughter had a bad case of Lyme's and couldn't get anyone to treat her and now she has a lot of problems because doctor's refused to give her an antibiotic until she was really sick. I am going to do a blog on it shortly, just haven't put it all together yet.
Arlene, the closet doesn't look as bad to me in the photo as it does in person - but whoa, the grout in the tile floor leaps out and screams "scrub this orange clay dust asap!"
It is on my list to get that entire bath/closet/dressing area re-tiled in something very neutral with tinted grout that won't show the orange dust we have here.
Thanks for the reminder about meds and Lyme's. This doc said he feels we probably don't have much Lyme in this state, but that we do have Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever, and he feels better safe than sorry given I have a rash and did have a headache and some aches last week (which could also be attributed to PMS - there is just no way to know).
I took 3 doses of Ledum (homeopathic remedy) and the rash immediately got better, but my homeopath also said given the rash and the confusion with symptoms that taking the antibiotic is reasonable.
I'll look forward to your post on Lyme's. I am thinking seriously about getting a flock of guineas to help with tick control here.
Your closet looks pretty organized to me, therefore you do not win Odious Closet of the Year. Having a cat in the closet does qualify for an Honorable Mention. Thanks, Billie.
LOL - I don't know whether to be happy or sad that I did not win the top prize!
Given that this closet really does look better in the photo than in person, I may just go around the house, photograph all the junky areas, and view them that way as an excuse to put off clearing them out.
(if I had truly wanted to win, I would have posted my son's closet!)
Moomin looks a lot like our dear B.K. (Black Kitty). I think that black cats have the sweetest personalities. BK is so generous and kind to our other cat, who is a bully. He loves to be cuddled and has a purr that is so loud you can hear it all over the house.
You can't see his polydactyl front paws in the photos, or the gorgeous and perfect full white moon on his belly. He's a loving cat but has very defined boundaries - no picking him up and no moving him from his spot when he's sleeping.
Keats is our true black cat - she is shy but very sweet and is totally attached to my daughter.
(fade in...theme from the Twilight Zone) I adopted a barn cat yesterday, true black, and I've named him Deets.
Linda, LOL - we'll have to have a black cat reunion (online, no territorial battles to deal with) sometime.
I have GOT to stop reading blogs and get set for the 10 p.m. EST writing challenge I've agreed to do. Basically write until someone reaches 500 words. I'm participating more in spirit since I'm not drafting, but it's near time so ... back to Word doc!
There isn't anything that would inspire me to post pics of my closets. lol
MiKael, you're wiser than I am! :)
Hi Billie,
You have been awarded the Excellence in Equine Care Award, please stop by when you have the chance and pick it up.
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