He is reportedly employing and covering up the fact that two known horse abusers, whose trial is still pending in NC, are not only working for him but handling horses. They should never be allowed to be in the vicinity of horses again.
This is just one of the people posting about this on FB today, sharing personal experiences with Trey Wallace, Austin Wayne Simpson, and Kylie Lenore Parker. These two people are known to be using fake names, accounts, and information online to hide their identities because so many people will have nothing to with them knowing what they have done.
The foal they maliciously abused died from those injuries after months of rehab and professional vet care in the hands of reputable rescuers.
It is tragic but not surprising that their young son is acting with the same abusive behaviors they have been videoed using on foals and horses.
If you have or witness any abusive behaviors from any of these people call 911 and report them to the authorities.