Friday, August 02, 2024

November Hill farm journal, 217

 We are swimming in beautiful, huge figs right now, and I’m enjoying my son and grandchildren’s delight in picking and eating them. In the throes of a long, hot, and in many ways difficult summer, this simple pleasure is sustaining all of us. 

We’ve had enough good rain to rejuvenate the pastures, and the front field has totally come back to very green life. Apache has been able to return to full time turn-out with his herd and they were invited to head into the front pasture yesterday. Every time I glanced out they were heads down and grazing. It was a sweet thing to see. And it’s August! So we’re heading toward my favorite season and although we still have some heat left to sweat our way through, knowing cooler weather is coming makes me so happy.

Right now the goldfinches are devouring the coneflower seed heads. I love seeing these bright little birds in the garden. This photo came from my husband this morning.

I’ve been able to do small gardening tasks almost every day for the past week, mostly tidying up the grass around the driveway with my electric weedeater. It’s nicely self limiting due to its battery charge, which helps me limit myself and not get into the deep rabbit hole of trying to do “the whole thing.” 

Today, I’m enjoying a morning quiet time with Pixie sitting on my lap purring and pushing her face into my arm, which she loves to do, Bear lying on the floor belly up, Baloo perched on the sofa with his face to the window so he can monitor the driveway, and Violet on the very large dog bed asleep. Clem is sleeping in the laundry room, and Pippin, Isobel, and Mystic are napping upstairs. The herd is in the barn with fans and hay. 

It is possible to endure very hard things and also find moments of calm and beauty. This is my mission right now and I think it’s a good reminder to all of us. Find the calm and beautiful moments, as many times as we can do so in a day, a week, a month. 


Grey Horse Matters said...

"Find the calm and beautiful moments, as many times as we can do so in a day, a week, a month." This is the perfect sentiment to adopt, not only in trying times but for every day.

Good to hear you son and grandchildren are enjoying themselves at your place! The figs look delicious. I was out this morning and picked a bumper crop of tomatoes and some basil and cucumbers. There's no way to use all of this so I'll be distributing the lot among my kids.

I can't wait for Autumn. It's been so hot an humid here it takes the heart out of you and I try to spend as much time indoors as I can. Love the goldfinches. So pretty.

billie hinton said...

Thanks so much! Love you sharing your abundance with your kids! Yes, autumn please get here soon! :)))