Tuesday, July 23, 2024

November Hill farm journal, 216


As is true every summer, the button bushes are hubs of activity for birds and insects. I’m grateful for the resources these natives offer on either side of our driveway!

We’ve hit the rainy season here on November Hill, with plenty of sunshine and heat but now regular rain which has given everything a deep watering and turned the landscape around us into a jungle. It’s welcome right now, after a hot, dry period that took its toll. 

Our potager is doing well. There are so many things on the farm that could do with some photos and I hope I can get around to them all this weekend. 

Apache is doing really well. He and Rafer Johnson (who, by the way, has turned 17 years old!) are now turning out to the back pasture and in another week or so the herd will come back together as one for their turn-out time. Rafer’s birthday party has been delayed but we will make it up to him for sure. 

I admit I am more than ready for the fall this year, more so than usual, and I know it’s still a couple months away. Right now I’m taking in all the green, the lush foliage, the front pasture (which has been closed off for several weeks now) going green green green. 

I’ve been in a dry spell with my writing this past couple of months, and I know autumn is going to bring me back to it. 

My family has been through a rough time recently and although we are moving forward into a better place, it’s still in process and still not at all comfortable. The only way through is through, though, so onward and upward we go. 

One thing I can say: I love my husband, I love my children, I love my grandchildren, I love my animal family, and I love my very dear friends, some of whom read here and to you I say thank you. I feel your support and I am so grateful. 

As usual, I am sustained by the actual land we live on. November Hill literally holds me up on a daily basis. And I want to notice that and write it here. What a gift it is to feel connection with the very earth I stand on every single day. 


Grey Horse Matters said...

Firstly, Happy Birthday to Rafer Johnson! Wow 17! Glad to hear Apache is doing well too. Everything at your place does look very green.

I'm sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch right now and I'm sure you don't want to post it publically. But you have my support and good thoughts. If there is anything I can do to help you through this time you have my email. If not know I'm thinking of you and your family and sending you well wishes. Hang in there.

billie hinton said...

Thanks, I will email you soon. So appreciate your words!