Monday, January 04, 2010

wonderful Sylvia Loch newsletter on rollkur

I highly recommend going here and downloading Sylvia Loch's new newsletter which focuses on rollkur.

Sylvia's ongoing work against this issue and toward riding with lightness and kindness is a shining beam of light - let's not forget to support the folks who offer better ways for horses by buying and reading their books, attending their clinics, and requesting them as speakers and clinicians whenever possible.


Grey Horse Matters said...

I've read her newsletter, thanks for the link.

Of course, I agree with her. In order to ban the practice of Rollkur and educate riders, trainers and owners to the cruelty associated with it, we must all make our voices heard. Not just for a week but the pressure must be kept on and people have got to stop being afraid to speak their minds when they see something that is defined as animal cruelty in my playbook. It's no different than seeing a dog whipped and I'm sure people would come to the aid of the dog if need be. So why is it so hard for people to come to an agreement that Rollkur is physically and psychologically abusive? It boggles the mind.

ponymaid said...

Grey Horse Matters - you raise a very good point. We donkeys know cruel treatment when we see it (my ancient friend Jack knows it first hoof), why are some humans so deliberately blind? The woman has shown me pictures of Sylvia Loch riding her horses and not surprisingly the horses look quite happy to be working WITH her, not FOR her and under the threat of pain.

Donkeys united against Rollkur,
Sheaffer and Jack

billie said...

Apparently, this issue either boggles the mind or doesn't even enter it! I'm glad there are people like Sylvia Loch out there to address this from an upper level perspective.

billie said...

Glad to have distinguished donkeys on board for the cause! :)

You are heartily joined by the nephews!

ponymaid said...

Billie, I just wonder...should we suggest those olympic-level human gynnasts who perform air-above-the-ground be made to have their chins strapped to their chests? We could tell the powers-that-be it makes for a prettier picture and helps the athlete to reach their full potential. Just a thought... I knew the nephews were onside - the younger generation has a lot to teach us sometimes.

billie said...

Sheaffer, my personal suggestion is that we strap chin to chest of any rider using rollkur - try it out and see how it works for them!

Dougie Donk said...

Being based in Scotland, I've had the pleasure of seeing Sylvia Loch ride on a number of occassions.

Just to prove that her horses really are working in full partnership, she gets on a Andalusian & asks him to do advanced dressage movements wearing just a headcollar!

I've seen this horse playing up on occassion & he just gets patted & asked again for the movement. No signs of forced obedience, just a nicely schooled animal working with someone he trusts. Just as it should be!

billie said...

Dougie, I am really wishing I could hop right over there for a visit, clinic with Sylvia, and some days to explore the UK.

And I am still awaiting a Dougie report!

Dougie Donk said...

"And I an still awaiting a Dougie report!"

Sorry - one day, honest! :))

billie said...

LOL - okay!! It will be fun when it happens!