Wednesday, August 05, 2009


brio \BREE-oh\, noun:

Enthusiastic vigor; vivacity; liveliness; spirit.

This is's word of the day today, and it was timely for us, as it feels we have finally come back to this after a week of ... non-brio.

Kyra the Corgi had a reaction to a flea treatment, Salina was sore and finally blew her annual abscess (I'm proud that we managed this w/o the insane intervention we resorted to last year), Moomintroll is having a bout of seizures, and of course my back has been out of commission.

We're mostly on the other side of all this stuff, and last night I had assistance with tacking up, someone to hold Keil Bay's head while I mounted (probably not necessary but it felt good), and a fellow horse and rider to keep me company.

The Big Bay is not a big fan of night riding, but with the exception of a threat to spook at the dark end of the arena, he marched me around, massaging my spine with his lovely walk, and I had not the slightest bit of pain or discomfort.

After our ride, there was the tiniest bit of chill to the air if you stood still and paid close attention, a foreshadowing of autumn and a tonic to anyone getting weary of the heat and humidity. (me)

Here's to a bit of brio for all of us.

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