His grandsire, Zippo Pine Bar, has a Breyer horse modeled after him. If he was anything like Cody, I can see why.
In one week, we will celebrate the 25th birthday of our lovely German Hannoverian mare, Salina. She is a beloved member of our herd and adoptive mama to little Rafer Johnson, who does pretty much everything she does, even walk up to the paddock to get a drink.
Happy birthday to Cody and Salina, and happy springtime to everyone. The lengthening days and the love and lessons of our horses bring so much light into our lives. I hope it's true for all of you as well.
Birthday wishes to your critters. Horses are definitely the light of my life. Right up there with the rest of my family.
MiKael, your blog posts reveal just how much light your horses bring - thanks for the birthday wishes AND for sharing your work with Arabians!
Happy Birthday to Cody and Salinas, they look so sweet. I am happy for Rafer that Salinas took him under her wing and is his surrogate mommy. Your pictures show happy horses and a happy little donkey. It is very windy here, but I am hoping after Easter the weather will start warming and we can all get back to work with our horses. They could use it and so could we, my horses are my passion and the light of my life, other than my family, I feel blessed everyday to be lucky enough to have all that I do.
Cody has good genes - Silk is also comes from Zippo Pine Bar and Zippo Pat Bar - They're a lineage of wonderful, even-tempered Quarter Horses. You're lucky to have him and he's lucky to have you. Happy Birthday from my red horses to yours!
Thank you, Arlene. It is very windy here too - so windy today I decided not to ride! When I went out this a.m. there was a black plastic garbage bag just on the outside of the back fence, billowing and flapping, and the horses had come up to the paddock and were warily regarding it. Keil Bay watched me intently when I went to battle the monster, and brought it back deflated and still to show them.
I'll be happy when the winds die down for the year!
Victoria, how interesting that our horses have the same lineage! I didn't know much about QH sires but the woman who sold Cody to us filled me in on Zippo Pine Bar. He actually has Zippo blood on both sides, which seemed odd to me, but I guess it's that line breeding thing they do. In any case, he's a treasure and a joy. The even, loving temperament is priceless and fortunately he was trained well and treated well so he has both the nature and the nurture. Such a sweetheart.
Birthday wishes from all of us at the 7MSN! I look forward to reading through your posts and learning more about Rafer Johnson and the rest of your herd.
May your horses have the happiest of birthdays. Do you ever wonder if they are aware of how much light and happiness they bring to our lives? Thanks for sharing the photos.
The7msn - I sent my husband to look at your blog yesterday - loved all the photos and the landscape. So glad you came by - and thanks for the birthday wishes from you and your lovely herd and crew!
Thanks, Janet! I think they know - I tell them all the time. :)
Cody is such a sweetheart.
I didn't know Rafer was drinking from the trough now. What a cute picture!
Rafer drinks from the trough when the water is high enough that he can reach - he only uses the buckets when he can't drink from the trough.
He likes to be one of the big guys. :)
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