This photo was taken yesterday afternoon, but by this morning the sunshine was replaced by white skies and snow. I had a series of lovely snow photos all set to go but messed up and deleted them from both camera and laptop.
So I'm back to the cathedral, assuming that somehow it's the right thing to focus on today.
The lovely snow has shifted to icy rain, and is getting mushy.
Not as radiant as Dickens Edward Wickens was sitting on the deck rail with snowflakes on his black and white body, but... I lost that one!
Next time.
Great pix... but I was looking forward to your snow pictures...
Next time right??
Yes, Jason, I will be infinitely more careful with the next snow photos.
I had a series of six, and three of those were really nice, but lost them in the transfer from camera to laptop. :/
I remember once many years ago taking 36 photos that were not in any way reproducible and realizing at the end of it that I had neglected to put film in my camera.
I still remember very clearly one of those lost images and still regret that I never got to print it out in my darkroom.
I suppose the up side is that there are a million images to capture in a given day, so yes, there is always The Next Time.
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