Friday, February 06, 2015

Playing With the Pony We Have

This week the Little Man initiated some arena ground work when he shoved past me into the back door of his stall at breakfast time. In the moment, I was pretty annoyed with him, but once we got to the arena and worked through a little bit more cheekiness, we each shifted our expectations and what blossomed was an absolutely gorgeous free lunging dance where I asked and he walked, trotted, cantered, and pirouetted with grace and power. 

We had so much fun that when we were done and I brought the donkey boys in for their own play time (they were banging at the gate to come in) the pony tried to climb through the fence to get back inside with me. He actively wanted more.

We've repeated this for three days now (without the need for cheek!) and it has been a wonderful way to give him some exercise, a job, and some attention and fun. 

Yesterday his girl walked out while we were playing and stood there with a big smile on her face. I know my smile was even bigger. 

In hindsight, maybe he was asking the way he knows how to ask for some attention and some fun. It almost always happens that when we accept the present moment and allow for something wonderful, we get it.


Grey Horse Matters said...

Little Man knows what he wants and how to get it. He sounds a lot like our Sami. Sami craves attention and is happy with grooming and chin scratches or just anything at all to interact with us. Sounds like you're having fun.

billie said...

We are! And now have a couple of nice warm winter days before the next rain event so hope to get the Big Bay under saddle. He was offering gallop for trot earlier this week on the ground! Very forward equines this week. :)

Matthew said...

Smartest pony in the world :)

billie said...

He is!!