Salina gets beet pulp 4x/day and Keil Bay and Cody get it 2x. I like the beet pulp to soak for hours but prefer not to make it all up at once because of the way we do it. I use Rubbermaid pitchers for ease of rinsing and so beet pulp making gets done after the last feed of the day (9 p.m.), after feeding breakfast (about 9:30 a.m.), and again after Salina's first lunch (1 p.m.).
Rinsing 'til the water runs clear takes a bit of time, so as you can see, this beet pulp making ritual is a regular part of every day on November Hill.
Suffice it to say that when one introduces a ritual to more than one person in a family, each one will adapt it to his/her own methods, even given some basic instructions that need to be followed.
In an effort to stop nagging and yet remain clear about what needs to happen with reference to the actual, physical rinsing of the shreds, I made an instruction sheet. But then I thought that if I shared some of my own inner routine with family members, they might come to see the ritual of the beet pulp as something more than just a heinous chore that never ends.
That in fact they might embrace it, and I might be able to give up my role of beet pulp monitor.
When I installed my effort on the laundry room wall, my husband saw it immediately and began to laugh. "You have to put this on your blog," he said.
I laughed too, because I knew he would, and I wanted there to be a certain amount of humor brought into the moment, but guess what?
I am also serious!
Using visualization and metaphor to transform the drudgery of daily tasks and chores into useful rituals is is a powerful tool in learning to be more present in the moment, reframing feelings of annoyance and dread, and turning tedium into magic.
I've taught these tools to clients for many years, and I use them myself pretty much all day, every day. Of course, when people get referred to you for your expertise, and pay for it, they tend to give it value. Around here, I'm more likely to get laughter and sometimes the rolling of eyes. Maybe I need to send a statement of account and see who gets the last laugh! :)
Of course I clicked on the instructions to make them larger and readable. And really, I'm not laughing at you...I'm just chuckling about how I need to follow your lead to transform the imminent drudgery and tedium of locoweed-pulling into magic.
The metaphors for pulling locoweed are endless, Ms. Carson! I could have a LOT of fun with that one. :)
I'm a list maker so I thought your pages above the sink were a wonderful idea.
Now let me tell you that when my kids were all home I had lists of chores for each of them on the fridge. As suspected there was a lot of eye rolling and I'm not so sure anything ever got done in a timely manner. Apparently,I'm not very good at transforming drudgery and tedium into magic like you are.
Thus far, Arlene, my transformation only seems to work for ME, here at home...!
Husband says my chore lists are "too intimidating."
I say the truth is right there in black and white!
The teens here are not at all into my lists.
Ah, we have a much simpler routine here in the UK. Wonderful pre-treated stuff called "Speedibeet", which you just sling in a bucket with the appropriate amount of water & hey, presto - ready to serv in just 10 minutes!
Even better, it's non-mollassed, so laminitic Tammy pony can get some too. I love it for all the time, grief & instruction lists it saves me - perhaps there is an export market?
One of our local feed stores has started carrying the Speedi-beet - however it is extremely expensive compared to the regular!
Ours is plain, no molasses, so that part is not a problem. Part of the elaborate rinsing is to remove iron residue which comes from the equipment used to process the beet pulp, so I'm not sure we'd get away without rinsing the speedi-beet...
however, it is good to know someone who uses it and likes it!
Speedi-beet? Jack is most interested. Other than that, Billie, we would simply like to move in with you. I love lists and after commiting them to memory, they make a nice, light snack.
It sounds like something Jack would eat, doesn't it? :)
Sheaffer, we are kindred spirits. The thought of you committing my endless lists to memory makes me smile. Who needs electronic devices when one could have a sophisticated and gallant donkey by her side to offer up the next item on the "to do" list?
that's wonderful, and something i might try for the more dreaded tasks around the barn...
i wonder about the rinsing - i have stopped feeding beet pulp altogether due to the whole 'round-up-ready' issue, but i am wondering if repeated rinsing and soaking is enough to remove it? did dr. k mention anything about that?
j, we stopped it briefly too - but then discovered that the calcium-phosphorus ration went to h - e - double l.
I decided in the interest of balancing and rations and since I can't know for sure other feed ingredients are absolutely pure and perfect, I'd go back to the beet pulp.
Haven't read anything from Dr. K but a number of folks on the grads list were surprised I was cutting out beet pulp when I did it.
I have switched to the shreds and smell it as well as handle it. I'm generally very sensitive to chemicals and such so hopefully my not having any reaction is some sign that it's at least not over the top toxic!
Duh - rations should be ratios in both instances above!!
yeah, i've been feeding a bagged feed in its place which is probably worse! i think i could balance phosphorus with alfalfa, but the beet pulp is so great for sticking supplements!
even though spraying the stuff down with all kinds of bad things should be horrible, i can't find anyone who has proven it stays in the pulp. i did find this on the subject:
maybe i'll give it another try and just rinse really good...
Cody and Keil Bay are getting 50:50 alfalfa pellets and beet pulp, which worked out the best for balancing. It really gives them a nice big tub to enjoy and as you say, to mix in the minerals. In an ideal world I'd be feeding totally organic but at this point the cost is prohibitive - mostly shipping as I'd have to order it in myself. Thanks for the link - I'll check that out. The reading/learning never ends, does it? :)
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