I love the gold swirl going up the wand and ending in a solid gold tip.
This is the same son who at the age of 5 divined that I was anxious about the mail coming (I had queried my very first agent and was obsessively checking the mailbox every 15 minutes every day for weeks). He made himself scarce one morning, and then smiling, asked me to go check the mailbox. Inside there were easily a hundred envelopes, with "mom" written on the front, sealed and all containing tiny notes that said "I love you."
I'm not sure who was happier when I returned from the box holding all those letters.
Magic, indeed.
You definitely have a special one there. :) That sensitivity and awareness will serve him well.
I agree, Jason. It's amazing to experience children as their awareness begins to unfold and their will asserts itself. Difficult at times, as well, but I suppose that's part of the ongoing therapy our children provide us, free of charge. :)
And a beautifully arranged shot to complement the wand. I love seeing the edges of things like that.
Thank you, Shara. I am much like you - I so prefer the off-kilter view. I don't like things to be perfectly centered.
That probably reveals something more than I mean to, but there you go. :)
Oh what a sweet child and what an adorable thing to do!
How blessed you are!
I agree with Shara, your off-kilter compositions are tops!
And our son is a wonderfully sensitive child, and I love how you appreciate and support that.
He is a blessing.
And I appreciate the words about the photos. I no longer put the "perfect shot" as a priority, so when they come out nicely with one touch of the shutter I consider myself lucky indeed. :)
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