Monday, November 06, 2006


I was waiting for this all summer - the month (for me) when forward motion kicks into high gear.

The writing is flowing fast again, Keil Bay is moving like a dream, and things I've been trying to accomplish for months seem to be falling easily into place. People I haven't been in contact with for awhile are reconnecting.

Today's riding lesson continued from last week's work. Keil pushed into his floating trot right off, and my seat stayed right with him. We rode poles on the ground and then raised them, high enough that Keil jumped one of them the first time through. What a kick to be airborne with Keil Bay!

In general, there's a lot of great stuff happening.

I'm adding to this in the midst of the morning writing and a chapter called kairos... which means fullness of time, and the right moment for action.

Fun to have the revision coincide with life this way.


Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! Good for you. That's wonderful. I love it when life starts firing on all thrusters (in a good way).

billie said...

Yes, it's fun when things are flowing/firing all at once. By the time it slows down again, I'll be ready for the contemplative part of the cycle. :)
