Tuesday, March 08, 2016

The Big Bay and his Ghost Rider, plus a bit on diets and weight loss

Yesterday I got myself organized, fed midday tubs, groomed the Big Bay, and tacked him up for the first ride we've had in awhile. I groomed him in the barnyard and when I was done I walked to the barn and called him in. He walked to the barn aisle and put his head in the halter. I had to wipe down the bridle and my helmet to clear the dust! 

It was warm, there was a breeze blowing, and the neighbors had been in and out of the woods behind their house, so Keil was very alert and a little "up." I decided prior to even approaching the mounting block that I was going to step up and get right on, leaving out my usual fidgeting and testing of stirrup, etc. One two three and not one hitch and we were off at a nice walk.

We had a good ride with no surprises. Keil's the same as he always is. I'm happy to report that I'm a little bit different.

With the throat stuff I've struggled with since January and a few weeks at that time of eating only soups and puréed vegetables, I lost 10 pounds. Then did a lot of research about my symptoms and the ENT's thoughts on what was going on (LPR, or silent reflux), and decided it was time to get serious about the healthy diet I tend to eat but manage to deviate from as the year progresses. I figured at best, the throat thing set off a perfect storm that ended up in LPR (somewhat common if you read peoples' accounts of it) and at worst, my body was telling me it was time to make a stronger commitment to healthy eating and a need for rebooting my weight.

I first went on a low acid diet to give the tissue in my throat and esophagus time to heal, then combined that with a low fermentation diet to address a different theory of what happens with LPR in the digestive tract. Both these diets recommend healthy meals and reasonable portions, and one is close to the Paleo diet which I'm very familiar with already. 

I've been eating good food and healthy portions. I've cut out all alcohol for now and also sugar. On my birthday I went out and had dinner and a piece of tres leches cake. And I'll continue to celebrate special occasions with some leniency but I'm committed to keeping my daily diet a healthy one. 

The great news is that as of today I've lost 32 pounds. I really felt that loss as I mounted yesterday and I'm sure Keil Bay felt the difference too. I'm looking forward to more rides and hopefully the loss of a few more pounds. 

Note on the photo: Keil was not terribly impressed with my idea to insert a selfie between the end of our ride and his post-ride Chaffhaye serving but he went along with it anyway. After untacking he walked off with his usual self-satisfied demeanor. He's back to work and his job was done. Time to find the greenery in the barnyard and celebrate spring! 

Friday, March 04, 2016

day off

We fed Keil Bay's midday meal early today and headed to the zoo. It was the perfect zoo day - cool but not cold, cloudy (good for the photographers among us) with a few sunshiny spells to brighten the day, and although somewhat crowded earlier on, by the end we felt like the only people in the place.

Two of the seals were playing and having a blast, Gus the baby chimp was as cute as a pie, and the bobcat was up close and seeking attention for the first time ever. 

The giraffes were particularly alert and very focused on a small enclave in the tall rock formations in their field. We enjoyed watching them move - they are in some ways horse-like and one actually arched its neck and did a little canter.

The lions posed.

Artie the elephant was separated from the other elephants (not the norm) and was weaving and vocalizing. I called the zoo operator and asked if a keeper could check on him. 

Our zoo does a good job with habitats for the most part. I didn't take a single photo but I enjoyed the outing and observing.

Tomorrow it's back to horses and donkeys. 

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

The first day of March on November Hill

It's a gorgeous day out there. Warm, a bit of a breeze, and no bugs yet. Cody is barely visible because he's stuck to the other side of Keil Bay like glue. 

I tried to take a couple of selfie photos of me with Redford and me with Keil Bay but Redford ran and Keil turned away. They are intent on what's growing and in the new load of very green and very soft hay we brought in over the weekend. Never mind those peppermints I doled out a few minutes before attempting photos!

Spring is not quite here yet but it's definitely edging closer. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

She's late for the party - but Salina makes an appearance!

I'm posting this a day earlier than my usual blogging schedule because I'm so amazed. For those readers who don't know, Salina is our black Hannoverian mare who passed away several years ago at the age of 30. She was what I always called "the heartbeat of November Hill." We all miss her still.

Last night I had a long and lovely dream in which Salina arrived back on November Hill and spent most of the dream galloping around the fields followed by her herd. In my dream she was front and center, leading the boys, dancing and prancing. She was fit and in slower moments arched her neck, thrust her front legs out, and looked at me as if to say: look at me! My arthritic knees are a thing of the past! 

I stood in the dirt paddock in my dream and soaked it up - the herd back together again, Salina looking like a 10-year old and a billion dollars, the boys behind her kicking up their heels and tossing their heads in delight.

At the end of the dream I (characteristically) started to fret that after all that running and showing off she would be sore the next day and need help. So I took my husband and went to the feed store in search of the special "wafers" that would relieve her knees. So high up on the shelf I couldn't reach them, there was ONE roll of what looked strangely like a roll of Neco wafer candy. I tried to get them but couldn't. My husband came and helped and the roll fell to the floor and the wafers broke into little pieces. But mysteriously there was one more roll that had been invisible until the other fell, so I grabbed it and went to pay.

I woke up remembering that of course Salina wouldn't need wafers to help because on this day after the party she is perfectly healthy. Her arthritic knees are indeed a thing of the past.

Through the years of my life I have had a number of dreams where beloved friends and family visited me. I have no doubt that these visits are real and in ways we don't yet understand, their spirits remain connected and are making contact. 

I'm so happy Salina came to help celebrate Redford's birthday. It was the best party ever.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

unbelievable birthday - Redford donkey is 8 years old

I am reeling (and a day late) to announce Redford's 8th birthday. I cannot believe the youngest of our equines is already 8 years old!

Unfortunately I went out yesterday with dewormer paste for all before realizing the date and so his birthday started off with that. It was apple flavored and they all got carrots before and after, but still - that is no way to celebrate the birth of such a sweet and handsome donkey boy!

We'll see if I can do better today. 

Redford got hoof trims this week and lest anyone think donkeys are difficult with this, let me assure you otherwise. Keil Bay went first, then Cody, then Little Man, and by the time Cody was trimmed both Redford and Rafer Johnson were lined up by the barnyard fence waiting for their turn. All I had to do was open the stall doors to let them pass through and they both marched right out to the trim stands and all but put their hooves up to wait.

Redford is a shyer donkey than Rafer is, but he is sweet as pie and immaculately behaved. He holds his little feet up for the trimmer and puts them on the mini hoof stand without even being asked. 

The past few weeks he and Rafer have been galloping all over November Hill playing donkey games and it warms my heart like nothing else can. 

Redford teaches me every day to notch down my demonstrative self. To get quiet and let little gestures say what needs to be said. I am so fortunate to have him in my life. 

Happy birthday, little Redbug! Just wait 'till you see what the day after a deworming birthday brings! I'll post a birthday portrait later today.