Monday, February 22, 2016

She's late for the party - but Salina makes an appearance!

I'm posting this a day earlier than my usual blogging schedule because I'm so amazed. For those readers who don't know, Salina is our black Hannoverian mare who passed away several years ago at the age of 30. She was what I always called "the heartbeat of November Hill." We all miss her still.

Last night I had a long and lovely dream in which Salina arrived back on November Hill and spent most of the dream galloping around the fields followed by her herd. In my dream she was front and center, leading the boys, dancing and prancing. She was fit and in slower moments arched her neck, thrust her front legs out, and looked at me as if to say: look at me! My arthritic knees are a thing of the past! 

I stood in the dirt paddock in my dream and soaked it up - the herd back together again, Salina looking like a 10-year old and a billion dollars, the boys behind her kicking up their heels and tossing their heads in delight.

At the end of the dream I (characteristically) started to fret that after all that running and showing off she would be sore the next day and need help. So I took my husband and went to the feed store in search of the special "wafers" that would relieve her knees. So high up on the shelf I couldn't reach them, there was ONE roll of what looked strangely like a roll of Neco wafer candy. I tried to get them but couldn't. My husband came and helped and the roll fell to the floor and the wafers broke into little pieces. But mysteriously there was one more roll that had been invisible until the other fell, so I grabbed it and went to pay.

I woke up remembering that of course Salina wouldn't need wafers to help because on this day after the party she is perfectly healthy. Her arthritic knees are indeed a thing of the past.

Through the years of my life I have had a number of dreams where beloved friends and family visited me. I have no doubt that these visits are real and in ways we don't yet understand, their spirits remain connected and are making contact. 

I'm so happy Salina came to help celebrate Redford's birthday. It was the best party ever.


Grey Horse Matters said...

I've always been interested in dreams and think they do mean something or are trying to get a message to us. I'm glad Salina decided to show up for her little mans party and to let you know she's feeling healthy again.

billie said...

Arlene, I so wish I could somehow post a video of the dream itself. She was just glorious. :)

Calm, Forward, Straight said...

That sounds like a lovely dream :D

billie said...

It was delightful! I woke up feeling so happy to have seen Salina again. :)

Mamie said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet.

Matthew said...



billie said...

Isn't it? I loved it.

billie said...

Mamie, so good to see you here! It was sweet as pie! :)

Grey Horse Matters said...

Hello Billie. Just stopping by th wish you a very Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day;)

billie said...

Thank you! It's been beautiful here since Friday and I'm really enjoying celebrating a little each day since Saturday. :).