Saturday, February 19, 2011

we have a birthday today!

And later I will get a birthday portrait. But for now, let me wish the happiest of birthdays to Redford Donkey.

He is three years old! And spent yesterday evening chasing a very wild Bear Corgi all over the front field. Which gives you an idea of the personality of young Redford. What do you do when a wild at heart young herding dog escapes and runs huge circles in your territory?

You herd HIM, of course!

I was most impressed that Redford, although indicating clearly that he was in charge, and that this wild running of circles was not acceptable, did not in fact go at Bear with the intention of stomping him to death.

Keil Bay looked on with amusement and the pony headed out to take up the call of duty should Redford need back-up.

It was probably good we'd had a day so warm every equine had white butt cheeks by 3 p.m.! They indeed came in to the barn for cool wet hay and fans. So were not quite in the mood to go into wild herd antics over a Little Bear. (actually now grown into a Big Bear)

Happy Birthday, dear Redford! We know our farm is safe with you in charge. (and we are glad you have that 750 lb. pony backing you up!)

Friday, February 18, 2011

and the fog has lifted...

I had an eye exam yesterday afternoon and pupils dilated, which resulted in a foggy sunset and evening. Then woke up this a.m. and when I opened the blinds the world was foggy - real fog though!

Now, as the sun has come out and burned the fog away, my pupils are back to normal, all the fog, both induced and actual, is gone, and we are looking at the possibility of an 80 degree day.

Which is kind of crazy, given that it is February and horses have full winter coats! I am thinking maybe I need to turn the fans on for them this afternoon!

Right now I have a Corgi Bear and a Wickens cat in full-blown playfare in the kitchen, a house that needs vacuuming, and morning chores to do. But even the possibility of such a warm day is also triggering a touch of spring fever.

Wouldn't it be fun to pack up this whole menagerie and head for the beach?

A private, safe, perfectly contained beach where they could all run wild while I sat in a chair and listened to the sea.

The fans in the barn have a slightly oceanic sound, so this afternoon I might be out there, sitting in a chair, eyes closed, transported.

Happy Friday and happy weekend!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jane and the Magical Pony School are cantering up the rankings!

As of earlier today, The Magical Pony School: Jane's Transformation hit #8 in its Kindle category and #41 in its category overall! 

I'm so grateful to those of you who have already bought it - don't forget to review the book on Amazon if you enjoy the read, and keep passing the word. This is so exciting for me.

It is time to take a writing retreat and get my first draft of Book Two: Fiona and the Waterhorse!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday's Treasures

Tonight while my son was in class, I wandered back to the free book cart to see what might be there. Thus far, there haven't been any books of interest, particularly when I am focused on clearing, not collecting. But tonight there was a treasure:

A translation of Alois Podhajsky's The White Stallions of Vienna. Although the dust cover was torn, the photos inside are perfect, and include many whole page photographs as well as photos that were hand-tipped by the printer.

I couldn't quite believe it, but here it is, in my bedroom, where I've been sitting and enjoying the many photos of the white stallions.

What a treat!

I also found my camera on my desk with two videos of a painted pony. Alas, the battery was 1 minute from dead so it has to recharge before I can even think of uploading. 

Other great scenes this week:

A red-tail hawk flying in huge circles over the barn and paddock and then the back field.

A very naughty Corgi with husband's on-call smart phone in his mouth, running in circles in the back yard. (with a very annoyed husband chasing him)

A determined Salina with ears pinned backing her butt down the barn aisle to let Cody and the pony know they were not to come through. (always fun to see a near-1200 lb. QH spin and leave the scene when that big black mare is telling him to move it! not to mention the pony assessing whether or not he has room and time to dash past her without getting nailed - he didn't, today)

I read today that we could have 80 degrees here by week's end. Here come the flies! And I don't even care. I'll wait 'til July to complain about that!

Monday, February 14, 2011

oh, happy days! donkeys and dust circles

It's been so wet and so mushy here for so many weeks... but finally, after some sunshine and temps above 60, with a little wind to help with drying things out, I noticed yesterday that Rafer Johnson and Redford have been able to construct not one but two dust circles in the back field!

In case I missed it, Redford followed me out the back trail with the muck barrow and rolled in one of them while I stood and watched. It amazes me how the circles are so perfect in form, and how fine and soft the dust gets after only a day or two of donkey rolling.

The perfect texture for maintaining a donkey's coat, and also creating a lovely little dust cloud that can only mean one thing: there's a donkey in full roll!

Between Salina shedding, donkey dust circles, and sunshine, we are having a lovely start to what looks like a beautiful week here on November Hill.


And over the weekend, book one in my Magical Pony School series, Jane's Transformation, was in the top 100 titles in its category on Amazon both Saturday and Sunday! It has slipped down some today but hopefully it will sell some more and climb back up. The top 100 titles tend to get more attention, so I'm hoping it hits that magic number again and eventually stays there awhile.

I appreciate any and all support from readers here in helping get the word out about this series. While I feel the same way about my adult fiction, these magical pony school novels are very special to me and I really want them to do well out in the world.

Over the next month or so I'll begin some focused marketing, which includes getting myself Skype savvy so I can make myself available to book and reading groups. Keep me in mind if you'd like your group to read a book and have the author visit via Skype for a discussion. I love to talk as much as I love to write! :)