Friday, May 22, 2015

update on Chaffhaye

We've been through 4-5 bags of the fermented alfalfa hay with the brand name Chaffhaye at this point. I'm feeding it 1-2x per day and giving Keil Bay (16.2, big-bodied Hanoverian, age 26) the largest amount, followed by Cody (15.2 big-bodied QH, age 12).

Keil is getting around 3 lbs. a day and Cody around 2 lbs. at this point. I'm using it for Keil Bay as a post-ride meal too, so on days that he gets ridden he gets more.

The pony and the donkey boys get a much smaller amount - 2-4 single handsful a day. 

I'm not seeing any real changes in their condition or demeanor, but these are healthy horses and donkeys who are all easy-keepers. There were no real "problems" I was trying to address, except that I liked the idea of feeding actual forage instead of alfalfa pellets, and the probiotic effect of the Chaffhaye sounded great.

What I can say: they love it. They nicker for it. They completely clean the feed tubs when I serve it and then carefully pick up any bits that were dropped around the feed tubs. I can see it being especially appreciated during winter months when the grass is gone.

I'm going through a bag about every 8-9 days at this point, under the recommended 10 days that the company suggests, especially during hotter and more humid weather. Thus far I've seen no issues and we've had some hot days - 90 degrees for several days running.

I store the bag in the feed room, in the open, folding the top down as they suggest after serviing.

Unless something changes, Chaffhaye is a new staple in our feed room! 


Grey Horse Matters said...

Sounds great! We will have to check it out for our guys.

billie said...

Arlene, it is non-GMO, which I love.