Saturday, October 23, 2010

on the road

I've been traveling the NC/TN mountains since mid-week with my teens and my mom, enjoying the autumn color and celebrating my mom's 77th birthday.

The colors are gorgeous, the company fine, and we've had a lot of fun along the way. I think tonight we all realized we're about ready to head for home - missing our "space," missing our families, and on some level missing the "normal" routine.

Today we did a hike to one of my favorite places and there, on top of a grassy bald, the new book suddenly began to gel. I was wondering when it was going to expand from the idea to an actual story. It's a wonderful process when it starts to unfold.

I am getting back just in time to hop back into a busy week. Not quite ready for it, but at the same time, am ready to get back to the usual routine. Wishing there were some way to create a "between time" - where vacation gently transitions back to full responsibilities.


Grey Horse Matters said...

Your trip sounds picturesque and adventurous. Unfortunately, getting back to "normal" and the routine doesn't have that nice transitional period. We're sort of thrown back into it like being thrown in the water to learn how to swim. I'm sure all your animals will be very happy to see you all though.

billie said...

I'll be happy to jump back into animal care, but not ready to get back into regular schedule otherwise. I should have left this coming week empty of all other stuff, even the good stuff, just to give us time to get back into the groove.

ponymaid said...

Billie, I assume Redford and Rafer went with you on the family tour? I know them to be extremely sure-footed mountaineers. I know what you mean about the adjustment back to daily life - takes me days to recover from the annual fundraiser. I find that nibbling on a Stud Muffin helps to restore equilibrium.

billie said...

Sheaffer, they were both asked to stay home and maintain order here on November Hill. Although I thought of both of them, and you and Jack, as I made my way up to the grassy bald. All of you would have loved it.

I think the piece of cheesecake I just ate is my version of a Stud Muffin!