Thursday, August 22, 2024

November Hill farm journal, 220


On Sunday my grandchildren and I were watching with great delight this little spider wrapped around her two beautiful egg sacs outside the window. The dried leaf stem blew into the web that extended about 20 inches down from what you see in this photo. It was dangling by the stem down there, blowing in the mild breeze. 

When I woke up on Monday morning, she had brought the leaf stem up to her egg sacs and somehow turned it all the way around and positioned it so the curve of this leaf became a perfect shelter for her and the eggs. 

I don’t know how she did it but I take it as a metaphor for myself right now. It’s a little miracle that inspires. I can and I will provide safety, protection, and shelter for my children and my grandchildren. So much love. 


Grey Horse Matters said...

So happy to hear that you are able to spend time with your grandchildren and show them the wonders of nature.

Spiders are amazing in how they can make something so special and protective basically out of the materials nature has at hand. It might be the perfect metaphor for cocooning your loved ones in the the safety and protection web that is family.

billie hinton said...

Yes, and thank you! Hope all is well with you in up north!