Monday, May 09, 2016

simple pleasures of the mid-day

Around noon I head to the kitchen to begin the haven of chores that mark the middle of the day for me during the week. 

Elevenses for the Corgis, a snack and vehicle for the joint supplement and fish oil and vitamin E they get. This week I'm clearing the freezer so they had their supplements mixed in with some chicken stock and chicken meat we put away and forgot to use.

On to the laundry room to soak Keil Bay's mid-day meal of Timothy balance cubes. I switch out the laundry while the cubes absorb the water, then grind half a cup of flax seeds to stir in to the mix. Back to the kitchen to mix up his HA gel to set up in the fridge. 

While in the laundry room I noticed the pile of half chaps and riding gloves looked like they needed cleaning so I wander back and get the sponge and saddle soap and spend 10 minutes rubbing the leather clean and making a nice stack of chaps and gloves by the back door, easy to grab on the way to the barn for a ride.

The Corgis have finished their snack, noted by the sound of empty bowls scraping around the kitchen floor. I load up the dishwasher with dirty dishes and then go put the clean laundry piled on the chair away.

I don't know why this grouping of chores has become such a blessing in my day. I like doing things that nourish the animals and I enjoy having the little bits of time while I wait for the cubes to soak and the gel to gel to fill with quick irregular chores that make me happy. 

Some days I use that time to clean the living room windows where Bear Corgi has smudged them up with his nose. Some days I pick a spot in any room and do some cleaning with a bright blue rag and some Murphy's oil soap. There's always something to be done and thankfully enough chores that make me happy that I can easily avoid the ones that don't.


Grey Horse Matters said...

Sounds like you've got a routine that works for you.

Matthew said...

You have such a beautiful approach to the daily work that needs to be done. Worthy of emulation!

billie said...

The quote about the way we spend our days is the way we spend our lives resonates with me - so I do try to find and create pleasure in the mundane. After all the medical stuff with Mystic, I am also reminded how much I treasure the mundane and the days where nothing happens. :)

billie said...

Arlene, I try to do that and find it's always a balancing act - but usually the routines that involve the animals are easy to manage. :)