But the sun is out and temps are rising well into the 40s, so blankets are off, horses and donkeys are eating hay, and thankfully there is no wind chill factor.
As I often do, when I can't get my own images lined up, I went visiting my husband's website gallery looking for something to borrow. Today I found this:

It feels warm to me, but more than that it captures one of my favorite images in the mountains - the fog rolling in like a tide. I think a lot of us are drawn to mountains and the sea because of the constant sense of a cycle in process, as well as something "bigger than us."
I always find a sense of mystery and awe and appreciation when I visit mountains and the sea, and find myself getting in tune with the earth's breathing and sighing.
Finding an inner rhythm, and tuning in to it. I think he captured that perfectly here.
Thanks, Matthew!
What an absolutely beautiful image. I also think you're right about the cycle of the seas and mountains and why they draw us to them. I'm personally more of an ocean person, but the beauty of the mountains always leaves me in awe too.
We're freezing here too! Stay warm.
Arlene, my favorite years are when we go to both. That hasn't happened since we got the horses, at least not for whole family trips to both places, but there is something really satisfying about getting a taste of both in one year's seasons.
The photo is beautiful, however, I think your descriptions of it are even more lovely.
Thanks, Carolynn, that is so appreciated!
That is a beautiful image. I also enjoyed your insightful description of the rhythms of the earth. I'm more of a mountain person, but I do love visiting the ocean and just sitting and listening to the surf and watching the waves come crashing in to the shore and then ebb back out. Nice warm images for this cold winter's morn!
Just catching up on things in the blogosphere and I'm glad to see all is going well for you.
Hi, Ann - thanks and so glad to see you here again. I have been wondering what was up!
Another breathtaking photo from Michael. :)
I feel a powerful draw to the mountains and to the sea, as well.
That feeling is as strong as a magnet and I am off-center and unbalanced if I get too far away from one of them for too long.
New Mexico
Thanks, Lisa, I am really wanting to be in the mountains right now.
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