Say hello to the newest member of the November Hill farm family - his name is Mystic and he was delivered to us this evening by our wonderful massage therapist. Her son rescued Mystic as a tiny kitten and they took excellent care of him until my daughter saw his photo, fell in love, and decided to adopt! She agreed to cover his neutering, gave him the perfect name, and now she is taking him under her wing.
Note in the photo that he is on her computer desk, and the "rack" behind him is meant to hold CDs! That's how tiny he is!
I updated the blackboard in our laundry room yesterday. It lists the names of all the non-human family members here at November Hill. On a silly whim one day, I decided to list them all on the board and it has now become a sort of placard of the menagerie. If anyone is counting, our census is up to 14.
Every time my daughter sees the total number, she ups it by one more. When she saw the big 14 I'd written in at the top of the board yesterday, she immediately said, "WE NEED 15!"
All I can say is... good thing she plans to go to vet school.
Welcome, Mystic. I'm certain you're going to stir things up around here. :)
Don't let my daughter see that picture! She's been helping our neighbor who has a cat rescue foundation, and all we hear is how we desperately NEED another kitty. Welcome, little Mystic - good choice of a name - you will be very loved and I'm sure that you will fit right into your new family.
Mystic is absolutely darling, what a cutie. Wow, 14 is a huge number of animals you have us beat by alot, we only have 5 horses and 3 dogs. I know we will add to our menagerie, but not just yet, I do hope nothing shows up at the door for a while.
I think if my daughter had anything to do with it, we would BE a rescue foundation!
Arlene, this is weird - I counted up yesterday and got 14. No one here questioned it. But after reading your comment, for some reason, I did a re-count, and it's 13!
There must be one more coming I don't know about yet!
I've been sitting here counting over and over again - LOL.
I know there's a young'ish sport horse out there who's waiting for the right moment to present himself, so maybe that's who it is.
When daughter reads this, I am in BIG trouble!
Indeed, there must be one more on the way to November Hill. The census here is 11, but it would be so much easier to remember if it were an even dozen.
Linda, that's what I thought when we were at 11 and Redford was born. Now I guess we have a "baker's dozen." LOL.
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