Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Goodbye, Our Beloved Keil Bay


Keil Bay had a flare-up of EPM this past week and was on treatment for it since Friday. His right hind fetlock was puffy and we think he may have had an abscess brewing. He had his favorite body work, chiropractic care, on Saturday that helped and then acupuncture and a Legend injection yesterday, and his day was good as was his day today. Although not moving normally, he foraged for grass, hay, and acorns with his herd. 

Tonight when we went out to feed dinner tubs he was lying flat out in the grassy barnyard, very still and peaceful. He got up about 15 minutes later and was calm but not really able to walk forward. When he tried to walk he was only able to go in a circle. 

He had most of his dinner tub, many peppermints, and his vet arrived 45 minutes after that. He was surrounded by me, my husband, and both my young adult children, who grew up knowing the Big Bay and loving him. 

Moments after he took his last breath, the barn lights went out for a few seconds and the big bang of a transformer blowing in the distance sounded. Later, after the vet left and we were still with him, as he lay with a peaceful eye and covered in flowers my husband picked from our beds and his blankets, an owl hooted from the big oak tree at F, five separate times. 

The stars were bright in the sky. 

I know it was the right time and I feel grateful nothing that could have gone terribly wrong did. I’m going to be crying for months I’m sure, off and on, as we all try to reconfigure. Cody, Little Man, Rafer Johnson, and Redford stood silently watching as all this happened, and after he was gone they whinnied and brayed. It’s hard to say goodbye to a horse who was so good and so present in our daily lives. 

We love you, Big Handsome Bay. You’ve been my dream. We’re grateful you lived 34 amazing years. I wish I’d been with you every one of them. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Autumn Into Winter 2023, Daily Reading, 3

 PATIENCE. Needed this today and it has helped to have this card front and center all morning. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Autumn Into Winter 2023, Daily Reading, 2


Key words: faith, patience, light and dark in balance, creative solutions. Here’s to bringing this to all areas right now. I am worried about the Big Bay but he is out foraging in the barnyard and while he is clearly off in the hindquarters, he seems pretty good. 

If you appreciate the art of these cards as much as I do, support the creator/artist by purchasing HERE.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Autumn Into Winter 2023, Daily Reading, 1

 My good friend Kathleen gifted me the most amazing deck of oracle cards this week, called Woodland Wardens, by Jessica Roux.

They are so beautiful! 

I’ve decided that now and to the end of the year I’ll pull a card each day and feature it here, along with a little “where I’m at” and “how this might apply” as a way to keep track of my own journey into autumn and on into early winter.

Today I’m feeling good. Keil Bay is having a flare of EPM and we decided to treat him with Marquis and the protocol I used two years ago. That kicked off yesterday. He had chiro today and had some big stuff needing adjustment, and his acupuncture will start up in earnest again on Monday. He’s in great spirits and I hope this sets things right for him so he can go into winter feeling great again.

I pulled this card:

This feels so on target today and in general. Being cunning, nimble, and adaptable are all things that will get us through this obstacle. 

On another note, it’s writing weekend and this feels true in that area as well. 

If you appreciate the art of these cards as much as I do, support the creator/artist by purchasing HERE.

Thursday, October 12, 2023