Friday, June 01, 2007

good news Friday

Another first novel full is going out, and the "to whom" is the best part. Being discreet, though, I am not naming names on here. :) Keep fingers crossed.

Read the first 25 pages of the second book in writing group yesterday and got amazing and helpful feedback.

On the home/farm front, we have a 4-foot black snake living in the vicinity of the house/barn, which makes me very happy, as black snakes do a great job eating mice and keeping other (poisonous) snakes away. Sadly, I did not get a photo. Maybe the next sighting! Or else he's been talking to the toad prince and they've conspired to avoid the media.

It's been appliance upgrade month here and we have a new dishwasher, new vacuum cleaner, and new espresso machine. (thanks to Matthew who offered them up as bribery for a solo photographic trip to see the rhododendrons in bloom!)

The full moon last night was golden and gorgeous.

Daughter just came in to tell me she read her science in the stall with Cody, who was lying down for a mid-day nap. "He looked up when I came in the stall, but when he saw it was just me, he went back to sleep." It would have been my total dream as a girl to read science in a horse's stall. It makes me happy now that my daughter can do it.

What a great way to swing into June.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

rain, divisadero

We finally had some rain last night, need more, please send.

The new Michael Ondaatje novel, Divisadero, is in my pile, which is getting to be like a pie full of plums.

Friday, May 25, 2007

why writing groups?

Because after just one meeting (yesterday) in which I didn't even read, I have already tackled the new opening to the second novel, rewritten the blurb, and gotten some key things straight in my head.

Because this particular writing group has been there for a very long time and will be there for as long as I'm likely to need it. It has roots. (and in returning to it after a two-year hiatus, my roots are still there)

Because just this one question, "Billie, can you read next week?" has catapulted me into major writing action.

Because these writers and their feedback are stunningly good.

All hail Laurel's Thursday morning group and my summer sojourn there. :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

the catkins are blooming and the toad prince is back

The toad prince continues to elude the paparazzi (me and Matthew) but I am still trying to get his photo w/o using a flash. Meanwhile, he is doing a wonderful job eating flies in the barn.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

tree of enchantment

Couldn't resist - this lovely creature showed up in my garret last night. From the gift tag:

The weeping pussy willow is among the most graceful of trees. It is connected with all that is feminine - dreaming, intuition, emotion, enchantment, healing, and revitalization. The willow has long since been recognized as a sacred tree by poets, philosophers, and religious leaders because of the flexibility of its twigs. The willow's flexibility symbolizes resilience and inspires us to move with life rather than resist what we are feeling.

Legend has it that willow is bestowed with magical power capable of fulfilling wishes. For a wish to be granted, ask permission of the willow, explaining your desire. Select a pliable shoot and tie a loose knot in it expressing your wish. When your wish is fulfilled , return and untie the knot. Remember to thank the willow for your gift.


What a wonderful thing to find. Will let you know if the wish comes true. :)