Monday, May 04, 2020

What’s Coming Up In The Garden, 41: narrow leaf evening primrose plus a few flowering updates

NOTE: I confirmed this with out wonderful county extension agent, Debbie Roos. It is definitely narrow leaf evening primrose. Happy to have her as a resource. She’s the queen of pollinator gardens!

This came up early in April and has been a mystery to me. I don’t remember planting it, can’t find any notes about it, but where it is and the way it’s come up can’t be a volunteer planting. It has red stems, which seems unusual and really, I do NOT remember planting anything like that last fall. I have waited until it bloomed to see if that helped me identify it. Here it is.

It’s lovely! I suspect it is the fireworks variety of narrow leaf evening primrose, but I can’t say this for certain. If anyone knows, please let me know! I always put the plant tags in the ground with the plants but I can’t find one here. Did I get it at NC Botanical Garden? The farmers’ market on plant day when the local native plant nurseries bring plants? I really have no idea.

I’ve done a little digging and will nail this down but for now I’m calling it a day. :)

A few flowering updates.

I know it’s hard to see in this full sun photo, but the third baptisia is blooming now in the midst of the golden Alexanders. 

And the yellow pitcher plants are really coming in now.

Happy to see the garden rolling along as we move into May!

More info on narrow leaf evening primrose:

Oenothera fruticosa 

Phonetic Spelling
oh-no-THER-ah froo-tih-KOH-sah
Sundrops is a native, perennial, erect, day-flowering member of the evening primrose family. It is native to all parts of North Carolina except the high mountains, where although it is striking when seen along roadsides and in meadows, it never achieves the beauty possible under cultivation. It is also found in dry forests, glades, and rock outcrops. 
Sundrops prefers moderately fertile, dry, well-drained soil in full sun but will tolerate some shade. Good winter drainage is essential. It can spread quickly in ideal situations but isn't terribly aggressive. The yellow flowers are short-lived but they occur in a succession over a long period. In the south, the rosettes will be purplish-green throughout the winter.
Use this plant in hot dry places as wild gardens, rock gardens, erosion control on banks, meadows, native plant areas or cottage gardens. This plant was named the 1989 NC Wildflower of the Year. Var. microcarpa can be found in boggy depressions. Var unguilata is found in sandhills and moist/wet savannas.
Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems: No serious insect or disease problems. 
Cultivars / Varieties:
  • ‘African Sun’
    Rounded compact habit
  • ‘Cold Crick’
    More compact
  • 'Fireworks'
    Bronze foliage, red stems and buds, yellow flowers

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