Tuesday, November 07, 2017


This one was in the sky at sunset, another one was yesterday’s ride on Keil Bay, just before sunset. I didn’t even think about the previous apres-sunset ride and my intent to ride earlier in the day. Yesterday’s ride was not so much like a coiled spring. We did a little more trotting and more shoulder-in and daughter called out “heels down!” as we went by one time.

The donkeys are coming in and marching about too. It’s fun having them there.

Last night was blissfully silent. No coyotes, no barking dogs in my pastures, no barking Corgis in the house.


Grey Horse Matters said...

Pretty picture. Good to hear you had a nice ride on the big bay and let's remember to "keep those heels down!"Ha!

billie said...

I know - I laughed out loud - glad for the feedback but it was so much like when I first started riding it made me feel like a very young girl to hear it!