Saturday, May 21, 2011

2011 EHV-1 situation report at APHA

Someone provided THIS LINK to the APHA site earlier today which seems to have a great deal of very specific information on the recent EHV-1 exposure at a competition held in Ogden, Utah.

Check out the May 19th situation report (it will download as a PDF) and also the various fact sheets.

The situation report offers actual numbers of confirmed cases as well as numbers of horses euthanized and for me helped put this into perspective.

Here's an article about A HOLISTIC APPROACH to this issue.

And ANOTHER. (this one is on Facebook so if you're not signed up or in you may not be able to view it, but's a terrific write-up by a vet)

I've been receiving a number of panic-inducing emails from various horse groups I'm involved in, one of which passed on irrelevant information from 2007 as current data - everyone needs to stop, take a deep breath, and get grounded with reference to this outbreak.

Healthy horses not stressed by poor diets, frequent travel, and over-immunization are at the least risk.


Calm, Forward, Straight said...

Good info billie - thanks.
I'm passing it along to a forum I visit where people are f-r-e-a-k-i-n-g out. :)

Grey Horse Matters said...

Thanks for the links, I'll check them out. I'm not too worried since our herd is isolated from other horses. Hope this dies down soon.

billie said...

C, it's kind of crazy that people freak out about something like this but then do all kinds of things on a daily basis that simply aren't good for their horses and in effect shorten their lifespans.

billie said...

Arlene, some of the freaking people also have closed herds, which blows my mind even more.

Michelle said...

Good points. As always, we can count on you to provide accurate info - and a reality check! Thanks Billie!

billie said...

Thanks, Michelle. I get tired of reading the craziness online - and like to at least help in guiding folks to good info.