Friday, August 26, 2016

When your day off is busier than the days "on"

It's been a busy week and I've been looking forward to today, Friday, because it was the one day on which I had nothing scheduled. A treasure of a day, right here on November Hill.

So I woke up and had coffee and worked on painting porch screens (finally, a dry stretch of days!) even though it was 96 out and I was dripping with sweat. Then I went out and gave Keil Bay his lunch tub and did some mucking and scrubbed troughs and water buckets and made sure all the waters were fresh and clean and cool straight from the well. Keil and Cody really only needed hosing but I decided to give them baths since it was so hot. 

Back inside, showered, ate lunch, and round two on the front porch. Scraped and sanded and then painted the porch rail so the newly-painted screen can go back later tonight.

I'm not sure how my day off has gone by so quickly! 

I need another one so I can get on to the next section of porch. I am hoping to finish this weekend before the rain comes back but we'll see.

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Whirling dervish trip to Asheville

Dear son is back from UCLA and his summer research and beginning his senior year of college today. I'm stopping by my favorite coffee shop before heading home to November Hill.

Feeling a mother's relief that he's back in driving range and the back to school stuff is now complete. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Listen to Janna Levin tell her story, Life On A Möbius Strip

It's also included in The Moth's print anthology of true stories. I want to read them all, but I promise you, this one is amazing.