Wednesday, April 08, 2015


I've been hearing a lot about a product called Chaffhaye. It's basically fermented alfalfa in a plastic bag and is said to have good probiotics. Our feed store has started carrying it and I just bought a bag and am feeding a measured amount to the herd each day. They seem to love it.

Generally after deworming day I use a prebiotic like Ration Plus to encourage probiotic bacteria to thrive in the equines' digestive tracts.

I'm using this instead this go round and will see how it goes.

Anyone use Chaffhaye for probiotic reasons?

I'm considering using it instead of the alfalfa pellets I use for Keil Bay. Seems like the actual forage would be better than processed pellets.

Saturday, April 04, 2015

spring fever

I think Keil Bay is celebrating his birthday a few weeks early - he escaped out the barnyard gate today, running out as my husband drove the car through after unloading some feed. I guess at 26 he is establishing that he still needs monitoring when spring grass is more lush outside the gate than in.

Thankfully he's not really a horse that will take off running so was easily brought back in.

The three smaller herd members were down in front having a working supper.

Cody was up in the barn munching on hay. He had a cranio-sacral session yesterday and seems to be continuing to process the changes. He is not fond of massage therapy, puts up with chiropractic adjustment, but this he really seemed to enjoy. I'll be interested to see how things go this next week or two with him.

As crazy as our weather has been this year, you know it isn't as simple as spring fever and on we go. Tonight we're getting down into the 30s and as I type the cold front is moving in. Maybe it will get cold enough to knock out one sure sign of spring: the ear gnat monsters. But I am not complaining! I'm happy to see green again and welcome a good spell of spring fever as we move on into this season.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Andrea Barrett on feeling at home in the world

I'm thinking a lot about writing today, and the process, and happened across this passage in a Paris Review interview with Andrea Barrett. 

Sure. I’ve never known a writer who didn’t feel ill at ease in the world. Have you? We all feel unhoused in some sense. That’s part of why we write. We feel we don’t fit in, that this world is not our world, that though we may move in it, we’re not of it. Different experiences in our lives may enforce or ameliorate that, but I think if they ameliorate it totally, we stop writing. You don’t need to write a novel if you feel at home in the world. We write about the world because it doesn’t make sense to us. Through writing, maybe we can penetrate it, elucidate it, somehow make it comprehensible. If I had ever found the place where I was perfectly at home, who knows what I would have done? Maybe I would have been a biologist after all. No great loss if that had been the case, but it didn’t work out that way.

I think she nails it. 

Yesterday I was dealing with the Housing Office at my son's university, a man in a white truck who was probably casing our neighborhood, the Army Corps of Engineers asking for a public hearing about coal ash dumping and its impact on the environment, and a group that has formed to take on a big development nightmare encroaching close by. 

All of which center around the notion of home.

None of which made sense to me. 

Today I start the writing part of a new novel. Not a moment too soon.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

taking a little break to celebrate...

I'm so proud of and happy for my daughter, who has been accepted to two colleges and offered a merit scholarship at one!  And a good friend has moved to the beach and it was a great time to visit and see her new place.

Lots of birds and wind and surf this afternoon, and videos and photos from husband who is taking care of everyone on November Hill. 

For today, a new view:

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

me and Darth Bay

Yesterday was so warm we needed the fly mask to keep the gnats out of Keil Bay's ears. But we are HAPPY to be riding and stretching our muscles. 

I've got a little bit of a Mad-Eye Moody thing going on so maybe it should be Darth Bay and Mad-Eye Me.


Today's ride was cooler and no fly mask needed, so we were back to me and the Big Bay and triple peppermints at the end of some nice work.