Monday, September 22, 2008

the autumn equinox

I know the lands are lit,
With all the autumn blaze of Goldenrod.

-Helen Hunt Jackson

Today is the autumn equinox, a time of transition and opportunities to make changes in one's life. It is also a time of harvest, reaping what has previously been sown.

For me, autumn is a favorite season, and I always feel energized and excited. It's more of a "new year" feeling for me than the beginning of our calendar year.

Lately the labyrinth path has been marked by the tall, swaying goldenrod, which is said to have healing powers. Ted Andrews says that goldenrod helps us discover our own sacred quest, strengthening the aura so that we can remain true to our essence and our dreams.

On Friday, my daughter and I found an owl pellet in the dirt paddock. Owls swallow their prey whole, and the indigestible parts (fur, bones, claws, teeth) are regurgitated in the form of pellets. I noticed the pellet thinking it was an odd-looking piece of horse manure, and when I saw the white, I wondered what in the world one of my horses had gotten into. Upon closer inspection I recognized it - the fur, the tiny joints and claws - as the remains of an owl meal.

Ted Andrews says the owl regurgitating the pellet is a very symbolic act.

In the swallowing of the prey head first, the owl takes into itself the wisdom and energy of the prey. The regurgitation reflects its ability to eliminate those aspects that are unbeneficial and unhealthy for it.

This was the perfect thing to find on the threshold of the autumn equinox, the symbol of taking in and letting go, transmuting.

How well I know what I mean to do
When the long, dark autumn-evenings come.

-Robert Browning

Friday, September 19, 2008

rafer's big adventure, and how can anyone not believe in fairies?

Yesterday afternoon late, a series of earth moving machinery arrived at our neighbors' house, along with a huge dump truck load of red dirt. As we were also having a group of kids and parents over for a gathering, I decided I'd better check on the equines and see how they were handling all the commotion.

Keil Bay was on the near side of the barn, having a fit because he was separated from his herd. His hyper-alertness was getting Rafer Johnson all wound up. I decided to move Keil over to the back paddock with the pony and Cody, open up the back field, and let them remove themselves from the barn to graze. That calmed things down quite a bit, but Rafer was just too wound up inside his stall - he couldn't see what was making all the interesting noise, and it was making him crazy!

So I let him come into the barnyard with Salina, which seemed to do the trick. Once I made sure things were settled, I dashed up to the front porch to let everyone know I would be hanging out at the barn for awhile. When I got back to the barnyard, there was Salina, but Rafer Johnson had disappeared!

I kept looking over the barnyard, left to right, along the edge of the woods, behind the trailer, making sure he wasn't blending in. I checked the stalls. I checked the little barnyard, both paddocks, the back field. He was nowhere to be found!

Then suddenly I stopped my mad dashing and simply looked at Salina. When I followed her gaze, there he was. He had gone into the arena, marched all the way to the end, and was completely intent on watching those earth-moving machines. I opened the gate so Salina could join him.

There was no way he was coming back to his stall right that moment, and I figured since he was calm, we might as well sit and enjoy the show. I pulled up a dressage marker bucket and sat. We watched three abreast. I have never seen such focus - Rafer could not take his eyes off those machines!

When the workers took a break, Rafer went and got himself a dressage marker bucket, tipped it over, and rolled it around the arena. He went over to the back side of the arena to say hello to the geldings. He marched through a stand of weeds at the arena's edge, letting them tickle his belly. He stepped in a fire ant mound and immediately trotted over to me so I could get the few off that were on his leg.

And yes, you read that correctly. Rafer Johnson was trotting around in his cast. I convinced him that a walk was more suitable, and then panicked when he marched up to a cross-rail jump my daughter had left up. He walked right up to the X, looked back at me, and then casually walked around the jump.

I eventually managed to get he and Salina back to the barn doors where I could muck his stall and get it ready for the evening. By that time it was nearing the barn dinner hour, so I got Rafer's halter on, and began to walk him to his stall. Salina, in an uncharacteristic move, surged in front of us and pooped in the middle of Rafer's stall - now, this sounds pretty rude, but it was the first time she's been able to do this since the accident, and Rafer Johnson was beside himself with excitement. FINALLY - he could march in and deposit his contribution on top of the pile! He was ecstatic. I opened his back door, hurried Salina out, and turned just in time to see her hind hoof kick the full bucket of water over. Rafer was in the midst of depositing his pile, and a solid sheet of water went cascading toward him.

He skittered out of the way, and I got the water up.

Needless to say, when I went out to the barn today, this is what I found:

And, apropos of nothing, look up top at what replaced the sunshine mushroom literally over night! Nothing but the work of fairy folk could possibly have made that happen.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Yesterday was one of those days when everything seemed new, special, and unique. My daughter and I headed out to the barn mid-morning and didn't get back inside until dinnertime.

One of the first uniquities I discovered yesterday was what I'm calling the sunshine mushrooms. We have many unusual things popping up this year with all the rain, but this one is my favorite. There was a smaller one that looked even more like nature's rendering of the sun, but I lost it!

Apache Moon got his first acupuncture treatment. I was pleasantly surprised to see the "needles" - they actually resemble very thin pieces of wire. He was a good patient, nervous a few times, but willing to work through that. At the end of the insertion he had a double row of needles going from wither to rump. It was quite odd to see, but within about 10 minutes he fell asleep!

The needles in the areas that correspond with the triple heater meridian came out extremely bent and twisted. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it. The others came out perfectly straight. So Patsy was totally on target with her kinesiology results. The acupuncturist/vet also pointed out to me that he tends to stand right foot slightly forward, and that his left front hoof is wearing unevenly to the inside. Given that the massage therapist found tight shoulders, all of these things are beginning to fit together. We arranged a schedule of treatment to see if we can clear this blocked meridian and impact his overall movement and comfort.

Interestingly enough, when I tacked Keil Bay and rode him yesterday afternoon, he did beautifully at the walk, but at the trot it felt like something was going on in the right front. We did a little more trotting and then ended with some lateral exercises and stretching. Will keep an eye on him.

On a different note - we got a truck! I can now haul more than just the pony!

And finally, a favorite sign of approaching autumn:

Monday, September 15, 2008

honey bees and baths

This morning after feeding, mucking, and giving full baths to Keil Bay and Salina, I went dripping down to the labyrinth path with the loaded wheelbarrow, tired but hoping the outer loop would energize me.

My husband went down yesterday and did some weed-eating to make the path passable again, and as I went down the hill through the woods (passing an assortment of mushrooms I've never seen before in my lifetime) and walked out into the sunlight and the path, I was completely taken aback by the 8-foot tall yellow wildflowers swaying in the breeze.

It was like walking into the color yellow. Dazzling.

I walked onto the outer loop and realized suddenly that the flowers were full of honey bees - it's the first time in over a year (other than my time at the writing residency) that I've seen honey bees in the wild.

I'm absolutely thrilled that they're out there, and although I was hoping to take the geldings down one at a time to walk the outer loop, I've decided it's a better idea to let the bees have the labyrinth undisturbed until the blooms are done. They were so focused on their work. They're so important to the earth.

As this is the last in a string of warm days for at least the rest of this week, I'm giving horse baths. Keil Bay got soaped up from head to hoof, as did Salina. This afternoon we'll do Cody and the pony. Rafer Johnson would probably enjoy a good dust bath, so perhaps I'll get a few handfuls and rub it into his fur for him. He can lie down, but he doesn't seem to be able to roll! I'm beginning to see just how important those rolls in the dust are for good donkey hygiene. His fur isn't quite the same as normal since he hasn't been rolling - even though we're brushing him each day.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


The week started in some chaos but it has ended with a number of milestones. As you can see, Mystic the kitten has learned not only how to get out of the cat door but how to hang with the big kits up on the rail by the butterfly bushes.

Apache Moon has learned to put the little hole in the bottom of his grazing muzzle to good use. He is grazing and drinking water and for the most part acting like it's no big deal. Except for when he realizes any of us are looking at him - then he picks his head up, stands, and looks pitifully in our direction. Ponies!

Rafer Johnson is beginning to put weight onto his casted leg more and more. Tonight when it was his time to graze outside his stall, he turned right instead of left and marched straight out to the gate. Just as if it were any other night and he was ready to be turned out. All the way down the barn aisle and across the barnyard he was walking with a perfectly normal gait - each foot bearing equal weight.

The outer loop to the labyrinth is complete. When I walked down this morning, I realized that four crows were in four trees - one in front of me, one behind, and one on each side. They were calling to one another round-robin style, and when I stopped and listened, I realized they were marking each direction. North, South, East, and West. It felt like they were doing a location check for me. Here's the labyrinth. Here you are. Here's where you are on the earth.