Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

lovely ride on the Big Bay (and a nice day at the horse complex)

Yesterday morning Keil Bay was ready to go back to work, and I decided to put my saddle fit paranoia on the back burner and saddle him up. I had planned to ride with the bareback pad, but the neighbors had all sorts of yard equipment going and I wasn't sure I wanted to be bareback in the arena given the possibility of a spook.

My saddle fit paranoia arose after the chiropractor's visit two times ago, when Keil had some mid-back issues. Given that his saddle was custom made for him and has been regularly checked, it's unlikely there are fit issues. But Keil's saddle fitter is in Australia for the entire month of July, so I haven't been able to get him over here to do a check. We use a different saddle fitter for Cody and the pony, and she'd likely be happy to take a look at Keil - but his fitter is a second-generation saddler who can take one look at the saddle and say things like "are you by chance losing your left stirrup when cantering to the left?" and be right on target. His father fitted Keil's saddle, they sell this particular brand of saddle and are state-wide reps/fitters, and I'm a bit superstitious. So I'm waiting until he returns to get the check done.

I had planned to use the Little Joe until August. But as I said, with all the commotion next door, I decided caution might be in order, so I saddled up, and figured it was a test ride. If Keil seemed in any way sore after, I'd have a bit more info to add to the mix.

My goals for the ride were twofold - I wanted to work on giving the inside rein, and I wanted to work on keeping my legs well beneath me. For Keil, I wanted to see big, reaching strides at the walk and the trot and good forward movement off my soft aids.

I talked this through with the Big Bay while tacking up, and we went in the arena with ears pricked forward and much energy. A good sign.

Keil Bay seemed eager for the ride. He's been off work for a month, and while we've done ground work, and danced together, and explored the labyrinth path, I have not ridden. It was encouraging to see him walk happily to the arena, and to feel him step off with a big stride from the mounting block.

I noted almost immediately that with the focus on keeping my legs in correct position, he was amazingly responsive to the aids. His walk was big and swinging right from the first stride, and stayed that way the entire time. We did lots of walking and changing reins, with me making sure to give the inside rein to him and to keep my legs in place. He was alert, responsive, and clearly felt good.

Toward the end of the ride my daughter did a video so I could check some things. I haven't seen photos of myself riding, much less a video, in awhile, so this was incredibly useful.

I was pleased to see that my legs were steady and quiet. My sitting trot was pretty good. Overall, I was in a good position and not leaning forward. The thing that stuck out were my hands. I've been working on getting them steady and soft. I tend to give away contact in an effort to be soft, and then what happens is my hands move too much. But I can finally begin to work on this now because I've got other issues close to being resolved.

We did some leg yields, reinbacks, and turns on the forehand and haunches. I was thrilled at how crisp and clean many of these were. I'm not sure why it was such a revelatory ride, because the issue with leg placement is not new to me. I suppose it's possible something has shifted elsewhere in my body so I can put my legs back and keep them there. Or the massage may be helping very specifically in this way. I'm not too worried about figuring out why - but am happy one more piece has notched into place.

One of my favorite parts of riding Keil Bay is how mellow and sweet and proud he is as we leave the arena. I always thank him for the ride, because no matter how well or not well it goes, he treats me with respect and accepts my faults with a good spirit. I always loosen the girth when I dismount, and we head to the barn aisle where he stands by the tack room door and allows me to untack him. The hosing off this time of year is really a pleasure after a good ride.

And today, it's Cody's turn!


We had a nice day afterwards at the Equine Extravaganza. There were many clinics and seminars, and tons of vendors, including a number of vendors I've explored online but haven't had a chance to follow through with via telephone. I met and talked with reps about:

split rail fencing and the gate we want for our front drive

Barefoot treeless saddles

Pete Ramey's work (and I finally bought his book about natural hoof care, as recommended by our trimmer, who trained with Pete Ramey)

EquiSpirit easy load horse trailers, which were roomy and very well made

We ran into our pony's breeder and got updates on her family and horses.

We saw a number of Gypsy Vanner painted ponies for sale - my daughter had looked at this breed awhile back and it was amazing to see them in person.

The evening show was... very loud. When I get out to this type of thing, which to be honest, isn't that often, I always get very stressed about the overstimulation and noise and general conditions and how they affect the animals. I'm easily overstimulated, so I feel it very strongly. For the most part, the horses there seemed fine. But there were moments when I worried and knew in my heart that I would never be willing to take any of my horses to such an event.

That said, there were a number of very impressive horses and riders, and I enjoyed the amazing things they did. If I were in charge, I'd turn down the volume quite a bit and create some kind of pasture turn-out for the horses so they could at least have turns being outside in the fresh air while being stabled there.

I was very very tempted by a beautiful red and white polka-dotted halter and lead rope, which I suspect Keil Bay would never forgive me for. There were also halters with matching lead ropes in the most amazing colors, and the halters were so soft to the touch it seemed they'd be like second skin on a horse's face. I am tempted to go back today to buy several - the price was incredible.

Daughter bought clip-on rope reins to use with her pony and halter, and a battery-powered stuffed pony that bucks and rears. We could not resist!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

book suggestions for my writing retreat?

Whenever I go away to write, I like to take a new, knock-my-socks off novel to read while I'm away. I know some writers steer clear of reading while they work, but I never stop reading novels. And when I'm off in a special space to write, I love having something amazing to read when I need a break.

So... I'm just finishing up Leif Enger's newest novel So Brave, Young, and Handsome. I like it as much as I did his first novel, Peace Like A River.

Next in my pile is Larry McMurtry's Lonesome Dove. I'm looking forward to reading it but am not sure it's the right book to take along.

Another possibility is a re-read of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series.

There's a wonderful indie bookstore where I'm going, so there will also be the opportunity to browse and just happen onto a good novel.

Any suggestions? Best reads of 2008 you want to share? Old favorites I might not have read? I'd love to have a list to choose from!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

post-chiro notes

We have three very happy geldings who are all pro-chiropractic clients. They all had their own response to the adjustments.

Cody: Okay, I like being first in line, ahead of the Big Bay, but this is very weird. But it feels good. But ow, that's tender! But it feels good. Whoa! Whew! Thanks, Keil Bay, for giving me moral support over your stall door.

He raised his head when she started each adjustment, but immediately lowered it, licking and chewing, when each was finished. He had a lot going on, all on the right side, and I'm so relieved everything matched up with the sore leg from last week. He's off work until Saturday.

Keil Bay: What took you so long to get here? Why did I have to wait so long once you got here? Would you please just get right to the pelvic area and fix that little joint that's out? Okay, that's nice. All better, I think I'm set to go. No, wait, you want to do some more? Okay. Hmmm. That's nice too. But I'm all better now, so I need to go back to my grazing. Oh, there's more? Okay. Oh, that is REALLLLY nice. May I just stop for a moment and say thank you? Are you SURE you're done?

Keil is the most demonstrative horse I've ever known. He is very aware of his body and where the issues are, and he doesn't hesitate to show you exactly where things need work, if you only listen. When she finally got to the final adjustment, she put her arms around his neck and did something that looks very much like a bouncy hug, and he looked at me over her shoulder with the most amazing expression. I can't believe I have to let her do this, but okay, I'll deal with it. His big long sigh of relief at the very end told the whole story. He too is off work until Saturday.

Apache Moon: This is not my favorite thing but whatever. I will stand here. But do you see that my ears are slightly back? One wrong move with those hands and I'll... oh dear, that is very NICE. Hmmm. Well, you'd better watch... oh. Wow. Done already? No, please, not yet! Oh, wait, that leaning thing. My favorite part. Yeah, that is HEAVEN. No, my eyes aren't closed, I just have a very long blink going on. It doesn't mean I like... oh, don't stop yet. What? It's OVER already?

He is so funny. All pony power and Thelwell attitude but underneath the veneer he is a sweetheart who just begs for a big hug. He will enjoy his airs above the ground even more now that those two pesky ribs are back in place.

Salina neighed when the vet drove away. What? Come back! You forgot to do me!

You are first in line next month, Salina, dear.


We had another good inch of rain last night, and more predicted for today. It's wonderful to have this much rain. The sunshine in between and a breeze helps dry things out a bit and gives all the plants what they need to grow. The ground has a spongy feel that hasn't been there in over a year. The front field is resting since last Saturday, and we'll give it another 4-5 days. With all this rain and sun the grass is growing almost visibly. The horses are already lining up at that gate, hoping it's The DAY.

On another note, I was invited to join a group blog comprised of local riders who want some group support in meeting their riding goals. I had the best time reading through the posts last night, and am planning to join. They post pictures and video and fine details of their rides and lessons. It's not only support but a wealth of information. I'm excited.

And finally, the Equine Extravaganza is in town this weekend. Daughter and I plan to go on Saturday and enjoy all the seminars and demonstrations, not to mention the vendors. :)

Next week I'll be heading off to a writing retreat Thursday - Tuesday and I am more than excited about that. I'm right on target with the edit I wanted to get done before heading off to retreat - which I'll begin by reading through the entire novel, and doing what I hope is a final big edit. I'll let it sit (and give it to several readers) until the last week in August, re-read, make any last changes, and query right after Labor Day.

One more note after morning chores:

Keil Bay was much more patient this morning and although he did toss his halter while I prepared breakfast tubs, he did not bang the door. All three geldings had big swinging walks and soft eyes.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

playing horse fairy

This afternoon I decided to play horse fairy. I went out to check on everyone in the barn at 2, horse cookies in hand, and Salina and Rafer Johnson were waiting in their stall for the treat. The geldings had wandered out to the back field, so I set their cookies aside and mucked, topped off waters and hay in mangers, and got tarps ready for shavings.

The geldings usually come in if they see me at the barn, but after all the rain we've been having (as of tonight, over 6 inches in a week's time!) they are glad to be out in the sunshine. So out they stayed.

That was when I decided to be the horse fairy. I fixed the hay in their mangers so the top surface was flat, and right in the middle I put two horse cookies for each one.

Keil Bay, who can sniff out a horse fairy from miles away, came sauntering up to the barn and found his cookies. The expression on his face was priceless.

Around 4:30 I went out and found it pretty muggy, so I decided to offer hosings. Keil Bay was first in line, but then he sidetracked himself into the big barnyard. Cody was second (not the norm, and he may have wanted company more than the hosing) in line, so he and I went into the small barnyard and situated ourselves with a pile of hay, some fresh water, and the hose, under the shade of the big pin oak.

Cody is fine with being hosed, but he doesn't love it like the other horses do. I decided to turn the hosing into a game where he was in total control of the flow of water. I hosed until he indicated he wanted me to stop, and during those moments, turned the hose into a water fountain. He loves that part of hosing, so that became the fun, safe part that magically happened each time he let me know he needed a break. I lowered the hose so he could lower his head to the "fountain" and let him nibble the water and lip the nozzle. When he had calmed himself that way, we proceeded with more hosing. The interesting thing is that he allowed me to gently hose his entire face today, and he actively sought out the water when he'd been given the chance to "play" with the fountain first. He also let me do an impromptu sheath cleaning, which again, he tolerates, but it's not usually something he relaxes into. Today he did. Each time he shifted his hind leg, I went back to the fountain.

After the hosing was done, I sat in a chair beneath the tree and just hung out with him for awhile. It wasn't long before I saw Keil Bay's nose in the crack of the barn doors, asking for his turn. So they traded places.

Keil Bay needs no game to make hosing fun. He loves it. He stood and got his turn, then hiked one hind leg out and into the air, which appeared to be his request for a sheath cleaning. He has never done that before, but when I checked, he needed it, so on we went. Then he grazed while I watched from then chair. By that point, the pony was banging on the gate asking for his turn, so Keil Bay went to the other side of the barn with Cody, and Apache Moon came in for his hosing.

He used to really dislike being hosed, and for awhile we thought he just didn't like the water. As it turns out, Apache Moon loves being hosed, but he really needs to be free when you do it. He stands facing the hose, and then pirouettes in a circle so you can get every part of him. When he's done, he marches straight up to the hose and takes the nozzle in his mouth. All done!

Salina came up to the edge of the barnyard and asked for her turn. I took the hose into her paddock and gave her a rinse. Rafer Johnson took one look at the water and went to the far end of the paddock, then into the stall. We respect his choice to stay dry. :)

The hosing got the excess fly spray off (the oil-based spray can get heavy after a few days of applications) and cooled them down, and was a wonderful way to spend the hot part of the day. I was, of course, as wet as the horses!

Tonight we had another thunderstorm so they were in from 7 until 9 p.m. After the rain was done (and the thunder and lightning) I opened the arena and let them in, and in the soft glow of our arena light (I think we are close to needing a new bulb!) they marched around and stretched their muscles. The night creatures were making a huge din after the rainfall, and the pristine arena footing gradually revealed hoof prints of all the horses. I walked around and tracked them, noting the imprints of their frogs and the basic shapes of their feet, as well as how they're tracking up. This is one of my favorite ways of checking hoof structure and movement. It's especially nice in the cool of night with all of them milling around, coming up to say hello, and continuing on their paths.

I highly recommend taking some time to play and surprise and just be with your horses. I came in feeling the same way I feel after massage or a swim. Totally relaxed.