Friday, February 01, 2008

Still More - Part 4

Part 3 (and note the word of the day on the right of the blog)

More Rainy Day Play

Rainy Day = Playtime for the Boys

We've got a rainy day here and some boys needed to let off steam. Once again I opened the arena gate and you could almost hear the announcer saying "they're OFF!"

Spirits were high and so were heels as they kicked into the air.

And today I was prepared - camera in hand!

Images are uploading slowly - check back for more bronco pics later today!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Time of Year

I just realized this morning that we're drawing close to Imbolc, the Celtic festival that marks the time of year when winter begins to loosen its grip. It's a time of lustration, purification, and cleansing, when the goddess Brighid brings energy and light.

Brighid is the goddess of poetry, healing, and smithcraft - all magical arts of transformation. She's also a guardian of farm animals.

She teaches the power of committed action, and the awareness of what's possible in our lives. She offers the courage to act on one's dreams.

I've been thinking the past few days that February, for me, will be a month of settling in with words and horses and children, and committing to some actions with each.