Sunday, August 28, 2011

checking in post hurricane!

Just wanted to say that we are fine, the sun is shining, and we on November Hill were lucky to be on the very outer edge of Irene's effects in NC.

Stay tuned later in the week as I return from hiatus with some changes to the blog - nothing major, but I'm trying to make things a bit more seamless between my website, November Hill Press, and camera-obscura, which may end up being renamed as November Hill Farm.

Growing pains! Ease of use for me and hopefully readers.

Hope all are well - see you later in the week.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Interview today with Unbridled Editor!

Come join me today at 1:30 pm EST. I'll be sitting in a chair under the big oak tree by the barn, talking with Unbridled Editor John Rakestraw about my novel, claire-obscure.
Direct link to radio show HERE.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

FEI Admits Reining Abuse


Thank you, Epona TV, for keeping us posted.

I've forwarded the link to both Purina and Spalding with the question: does this shift things wrt your companies sponsoring Craig Schmersal? If you wonder the same thing, be sure to call or email them and ASK. Whether or not this wins the war, it does help with the battle.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

on hiatus until September

It's that time of year.

We have barn chores galore, many projects on the figurative and literal table, and my list of things that must get done has exceeded my ability to do them!

In August I have writing to do:

I need to finish book two (Fiona and the Water Horse) in the Magical Pony School series. I need to wrap up Partners in Zen and The Writing Life books. And there are two new adult novels that are still vying to be next in line.

I'm also scheduled as guest on two radio shows in August, one to discuss claire-obscure, and one to discuss Jane's Transformation. I'll probably pop back in here to post those details as the time nears.

There is diet change going on here:

I've been introduced to Weston A. Price and the wonderful book by Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions. Suddenly raw milk, making yogurt and cheese, and finding alternatives to processed sugar and white flour are in the forefront of my every meal. There is also gardening and we are enjoying tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, basil, watermelons, and chard from our garden, as well as many more things from local farmers.

I also have riding to do:

Once the heat breaks I'm going to get Keil Bay back into work. Well, for us, it's not really work - it's the discovery of lightness and harmony. I'd like to get back into the habit of riding Cody.

And, in August I have four young beginner riders coming each week to learn about ponies and horses and donkeys and how to sit on them (Rafer and Redford say NOT US - we're for HUGGING!) with balance and kindness, how to listen to what they tell us in each moment, and how to find harmony in the human-equine relationship. When you can't change what's happening in Aachen, you focus on the young ones who still have open minds.

And projects to finish:

Some fencing repairs/upgrades. A gate to the farm. A long list of home/farm maintenance that needs some attention.

I hope everyone has an easy end of summer with a break in heat, rain as needed, and lots of time to do the things you love most.

See you in September!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

dressage in Aachen: Ravel and Totilas

Here is Steffan Peters on Ravel:

And Alexander Rath on Totilas:

According to Stacy at Behind The Bit, the audience booed the ride on Totilas - their own rider.

Are audiences now more knowledgeable about classical dressage than the judges are?