Tuesday, February 09, 2010

German FN denounces rollkur

It appears that the German FN has issued a statement denouncing rollkur:

see article HERE.

Monday, February 08, 2010


The FEI is holding a closed-door round table meeting on Feb. 9th to discuss the training method known as rollkur, or hyperflexion, which involves pulling and holding the horse's muzzle to his chest. This practice is known to have many negative effects on the horse, both physically and psychologically. Gerd Heuschmann, the lone voice for the horse at this meeting, has my support and appreciation as he presents his case "for the good of the horse" along with petitions and letters saying NO TO ROLLKUR.

You can see a taste of this method in the Epona TV's footage in the previous post.

Please take a moment today and again tomorrow to think positively about the outcome of this meeting. It will make a difference.

helgstrand teaching piaffe/passage and assorted warm-up videos in arenas around the world

And CLICK HERE to see more footage courtesy of Epona TV of various warm-up practices using rollkur, draw reins, and more nightmarish techniques to control the horses and put them far behind the vertical. (once you get to part one, look to your right on Epona's site to see parts 2, 3, and 4)

And a powerful video from Nadja King:

Sunday, February 07, 2010

quick note re: FEI meeting Tuesday

Tomorrow evening (Monday) I plan to put up the NO ROLLKUR logo with a brief statement on both blogs and on my Facebook page and will leave it there through Tuesday afternoon.

I'm doing this in support of Gerd Heuschmann's attendance at the FEI round table meeting to discuss rollkur, and to say, again, that I do NOT SUPPORT this training method.

I suggested this on the Blue Tongue Facebook page as a way to quietly but powerfully hold up our signs around the world, simultaneously, as an indication that we are aware of the meeting and although not there, present our viewpoints.

I invite anyone who reads here to join in. You can take the image and/or statement from my blog and put it on your own blog and/or FB page. If you'd like me to copy and paste the html for you to make this even easier, send me your email in a comment. I won't publish the emails, but will send you the info to paste into your blog.

The more places this appears, the more powerful the message.

another great letter, to Gerd Heuschmann, in support

Letter from Colonel Carde to Dr. Heuschmann in preparation for the FEI Feb. 9th discussion.

Dear Gerd,

You have been invited to take part in the FEI roundtable discussion scheduled for February, 9th.

At the heart of the debate will be the hyperflexion of the horse’s neck. I want to personally let you know that like many trainers, judges and thousands of riders, all my thoughts will be with you on that day.

Rollkur must be strongly discouraged in riding/training and banned from competition:

- Because it has no place in a philosophy of training designed to develop horses into happy athletes.
- Because it is contrary to the classical Dressage principles applied in all the Schools.*
- Because it is dangerous to the horse's health when badly executed – which is the overwhelming majority of cases.

In Dressage competition, it must be forbidden for the entire duration of the competitions. In order to implement this rule, at the very least, the warm-up should be monitored by a judge and at the very best, it should be scored and that score should be included in the competitors' final ranking.

Good luck, we are counting on you.

Colonel Christian Carde
Ancien écuyer en chef de l’Ecole Nationale d’Equitation et du Cadre Noir de Saumur
(Former Head Rider of the French National School of Riding and of the Cadre Noir in Saumur.)