Wednesday, November 25, 2015

giving thanks 2015

I am grateful for:

- a big forward walking ride on the 26-year old Keil Bay today

- the return of Mystic the cat who didn't show up for dinner last night (his front claws are worn to nubs from trying to escape some place he obviously got shut up in but otherwise he is fine)

- a husband who will jump in and figure out how to create a safe backyard habitat for a curiosity of unruly cats (will photo and post when done!)

- two amazing children (now young adults)

- a loving family including my mom who shared a wonderful meal last night (appetizers included spicy crab dip, warm Brie, and calamari, dinner a hefty salad and shrimp puttanesca with goat cheese, a glass of Malbec, and coffee with limoncello cheesecake) 

- two exuberant Corgis (and one is 16 years old and still chasing things in the backyard)

- our farm, newly refinanced with a good locked-in for the duration interest rate

- the creative life and process, which keeps me happy

- amazing friends (which includes many of you reading this)

May this thanksgiving day be full of good company, good food, and the opportunity to count our blessings!


Grey Horse Matters said...

I love your list of things you are grateful for. I'm happy to hear that Mystic is back too. I guess only he will ever know where he was all this time. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

billie said...

We are realizing since Dickens disappeared just how much work he did keeping the rest of the cats close to home - he chased them back to the house to keep them off his territory and they mostly stayed in the yard proper and front porch area. Now that he isn't here to do that job, all four of them are branching out and going further afield. It's been a mounting issue, as none of this crew are anywhere near as savvy as Dickens was. So we're going to try the cat-safe area and see if we can convert them. They will still have trees to climb and sunshine and grass. The morning Mystic was still missing I went out very early and saw 4-5 coyotes in the front field. We were sure that was what had happened to him - so it might be that his being locked up overnight saved him with these coyotes moving through!

Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Enjoy!