Wednesday, November 10, 2010

inspiration to ride, and the amazing Big Bay

Yesterday after posting Uta Graf's lovely ride, I went out to the barn, cleaned the entire tack room, let the Big Bay into the barn yard for some hoof cleaning, and then came in to get his sheepskin pad.

Keil seemed perfectly happy to come into the barn aisle and practice being tied (so much of what I do with him I do sans halter). I groomed him, realized he needed a sheath cleaning, got some warm water and took care of that, and then tacked up.

I decided to use his old bit, an eggbutt snaffle, that I put onto Salina's old bridle so I could use it as needed - I removed the cavesson so it's very much like Keil's bridle now, just with a different bit. When I put it on, he reached for the bit and took it into his mouth eagerly. I thought I had configured the straps for him before, but yesterday it seemed tighter and the bit seemed too high, so I lowered it to the last hole and hoped that might work. The bit was a little lower than I'd normally put it. But the moment I buckled the last strap, Keil lowered his head and began to mouth the bit in a clearly relieved, happy way. So I decided we'd try it and I gave myself the silent instruction to keep a soft contact so it wouldn't clank around too much.

In the arena I let Keil go while I brought the mounting block (I've noticed over the past year that every time I type "mounting" it comes out as "mountain" - which is truly one of those very relevant slips - that's how it has felt to me!) to the barrel I've been using to get on. Before I even had the mountain (see, there it went again) block positioned beside the barrel, Keil had walked over and lined himself up.

I praised him and then instead of climbing up and just getting on, I fidgeted. And he looked confused. "What does she want me to do?" He took a step back so his head was beside me instead of the saddle. This is entirely my issue and while I could spend a bunch of time analyzing it, I decided not to do that. Daughter came and helped by holding Keil and I slid easily onto his back. I think I have actually over-analyzed the whole mountain thing (and again the slip!) and I am just going to get on as fast and as easily as I can for now and forget about it.

There was the immediate feeling of total relief when my bottom hit the saddle. I was so happy to be there. Keil was happy to have me there, and off we went.

I had two areas of focus for myself: keeping a soft contact and equally weighting both stirrups. At one point I felt myself nagging with my legs to get a rhythmic walk and I took my legs off and began to chant out loud: one two three four, one two three four. Keil instantly knew what I was asking for and without missing a beat he stepped into the rhythm. We worked on maintaining that for several circuits around the arena in both directions. It was amazing how that simple exercise catapulted the ride onto a much higher, more advanced plane.

Rhythm and relaxation. It works.

So we had rhythm. We had relaxation. I was focusing on my contact. This bridle is very light in the hand. I don't like it much, as it is not an expensive bridle and the leather isn't that nice, but there's something about it that feels light and it's easy to hold the reins. (which are simple black web reins, but very soft because they're fairly old and also not that well made)  It occurs to me now that because this was the bridle I got for Salina when she first came to us, and the bridle I rode her in, maybe her lightness has soaked into it. There was definitely something going on that seemed almost magical - as though my hands had "learned" a more advanced way of being.

We proceeded with lots of walking, going deep into the corners and then doing free walks across the diagonals to relax even more. We worked on square halts and a little reinback.

We incorporated turns on the forehand and haunches into the corner work, did some shoulder-in, and through it all I made sure I was breathing deeply. Keil was very much on the aids at this point and I asked if he wanted to trot. I mean literally asked: "Keil Bay, do you want to do some trot?" And I put in a half halt and applied both legs. He went into a quite lovely trot and we organized ourselves. I didn't want to do too much trotting since he's been out of work for several weeks - but I wanted to do enough that we could benefit from the work we'd done toward rhythm, relaxation, and contact. We did about four long sides worth of trot in each direction and by the last two we got to schwung.

I should say Keil offered schwung and I received it. I don't think even the most advanced rider can ask for schwung - it comes from the horse, and only comes when we do the right things. Keil Bay almost always offers it when I take care of myself - if you try to demand it from him you might get grinding of the teeth, or you might get him leaning on your hands. But if you do what you're supposed to as a rider, he gives you poetry.

A lovely way of going where of course I wanted to go on forever, but it was the right place to end yesterday.

I wish I could convey the aura Keil has after a really good ride. He is so connected, so pleased with himself, so relaxed, and totally willing to stand in the barn aisle with no halter or lead rope and let me untack him slowly, brush him down, check his feet, and then offer him a handful of oats. He usually licks my hands, lowers his head so he can look me right in the eye, and only then does he saunter out of the barn aisle to graze a little in one of the barnyards while I clean tack and put things away.

I always think about the way Keil ends each ride with me. He rewards ME for the ride. It's what makes him so very special, and why I think we'll keep going no matter how old he gets or how old I get.

Every single time I watch him saunter out of the barn aisle after a ride I think: how did I get so lucky to find this horse?

Thank you, Keil Bay. You're priceless.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

love this ride: uta graf on damon jerome h

I especially love how she allows him big movement in between the collected work, and that she uses the corners and the circle figures to move into collection.

I don't see any rollkur or intensely flexed head/neck - the work appears to me to be very classically correct. Her hands are enviably still.

My only complaint is that she should be wearing a helmet. But with that shock of hair I might want to show it off too. :)

Baudet de Poitou: an intriguing donkey

The Baudet de Poitou is a relatively large donkey, standing 13 to 15 hands high. The most recognizable feature is their long hair, known as “cadenette” which hangs down like dreadlocks. In color they are always dark brown or black, but with a white tummy and nose, as well as lighter hairs around the eyes. They lack the dark dorsal stripe seen in most other breeds. Their hair is a dominant trait and crossbred animals will have this feature as well. Sadly this handsome donkey died on a boat while being imported to the USA, photo source.

The origin of these animals is unclear although they were eventually bred in the Poitou region of France where they may have been a status symbol through the Middle Ages.

I'm trying to imagine the grooming that would be necessary on this lovely animal, but at the same time am also figuring there wouldn't be much need for things like fly spray!

Monday, November 08, 2010

notes on the new turn-out routine

 Reminder: horses now come in for 2-3 hours in the a.m. and again for 2-3 hours in the evening. They spend some of that time closed into their stalls, and the breakfast and dinner tubs are served while they are in. Salina gets an additional tub around 3 p.m. so she comes in at least briefly for that. She and her donkey boys are never closed into stalls, although they have two of them and do enjoy resting in them particularly on hot summer days.

We've been at this new routine for several weeks now and these are a few things I'm seeing:

Salina (27 year old mare with arthritic knees) is moving more easily. I just looked out the window and she is grazing side by side with Keil Bay at the very bottom of our front field. That she is willing to go all the way down is a clear sign that she's feeling good and moving well.

Cody (QH with PSSM symptoms mostly under control) is also moving better. It's subtle, but he has a nice swing in his walk that he didn't have before we shifted to this routine.

The horses all seem a bit sleeker in figure. With a herd full of easy keepers this is a good thing.

They are tending to lie down and sleep either when in stalls or during the warm parts of the day - yesterday I noticed that during the warmest part of the day Keil came up to the upper field and found himself not a sunny spot, but a shady spot in a section of very loose, damp earth. It was in the mid-50s - so while to me it was cool and that damp earth seemed way too cold to lie in, it clearly felt good to him.

They are moving and grazing hay during the coldest parts of their "day" - which they were unable to do in our previous routine, when hay was served in stalls open to the paddocks.  In my mind eating hay in their stalls at night was "cozier." But I also noticed that often on very cold nights I would look out and see them standing out in the paddocks, walking and sometimes loitering near the gates to the fields! With the new plan they get some cozy stall time with hay in the evening, get their warm tubs, and then go back out where they can move AND graze hay during the nights.

We've had a few rainy nights during this trial period, and on those nights we simply reverted to our old way of doing things, as I don't want horses standing in cold rain, and I don't really want to put hay out when it's raining. It was no problem slipping back into our old way while the rain came, and then shifting right back to this new routine when it stopped.

We'd do the same with snow, high winds, etc. And although we just had two nights below freezing, I chose not to blanket. They all have nice winter coats already and I figured it wouldn't stay below freezing for very long. What I'm seeing is that they are not standing by the barn waiting to be let in, but sometimes even have to be actively encouraged to come in and get some hay inside. One morning it rained unexpectedly and Keil Bay and the pony stayed out in the rain and played instead of coming in for hay. That was a surprise, but I love seeing them feeling good and enjoying the season.

So far, so good. When it gets a bit colder and we have night-time temps staying at or below freezing, I'll bring the blankets out, but for now, they are fluffy-coated, happy equines.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

November Hill Press announcement

November Hill Press is pleased to announce that the first photographic calendar, featuring many of the November Hill family, is now available in our brand new Zazzle shop.

You may see and buy the calendar via the link on the sidebar to your right.

The calendar is in advance of the nonfiction title, Partners In Zen, which is forthcoming in 2011.