Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

some odds and ends

First, Keil Bay just walked right across my computer screen! The way I have things set up, the reflection from my bedroom window is on the computer screen, for the most part unnoticeable, but just now, Keil Bay walked by the bedroom window, and it was perfectly revealed on screen. What a hoot! And NO, Keil Bay, it is NOT yet time for breakfast.

Second, I've decided to reprise three lovely posts by my friend Joseph Gallo, over on mystic-lit. I posted them there last year, when Joseph graciously offered to send me posts for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, AND New Year's. They were so good I've decided to make them part of mystic-lit's annual holiday ritual. Go check them out. And thanks to Joseph for the holiday treat.

And finally, I have two awards to bestow.

Lisa, at Laughing Orca Ranch, recently gave me the Superior Scribbler award and said some very kind things about camera-obscura. Lisa has a wonderful, cheerful, always honest blog and I so appreciate her thoughts and this honor.

I'd like to give the Superior Scribbler award to Arlene at Grey Horse Matters, where she writes consistently useful and well-done posts on topics related to horses. Most recently, though, she wrote a beautiful story (that happens to be true) called The Christmas Pony, and it is especially for that post that I offer this award. It made many of her readers cry, and it illustrates how big Arlene's heart is. But it is also beautifully written, which made it even better!

Janet, at Talk2theAnimals, recently gave me the Universal Light Award. She too had very kind things to say about camera-obscura, and I so appreciate it, and again, am honored. Janet's blog has been a real treasure for me, reminding me to pay attention to the animals not only that live with us, but who share the land with us. Thanks so much, Janet!

I'd like to give the Universal Light Award to Jon Katz, whose Bedlam Farm blog has become a favorite of mine over the past few weeks. Jon has a number of books out and I'm sure he has a tremendous readership already, but his recent writings about managing his farm, creating balance for his writing and photography, as well as living more simply and developing deep and honest friendship, has been very moving for me. His photographs are brilliant and filled with light. If you haven't seen his blog, go check it out.

Monday, December 22, 2008

sunny, cold, and windy, punctuated by ginger tea

The glorious sunshine is back, but with it came the cold. We're back to ice in troughs, mucking rocks, and horses in blankets.

This morning after feeding breakfast, my throat started feeling gravelly and I felt my immune system quiver. (this sounds impossible, but I can tell when my body is fighting and winning, and when it's starting to flag, I swear)

So I mucked one wheelbarrow full, dumped it, and decided to head in and warm up. My daughter came out and offered to muck a barrow-full, and I asked her to come in and warm up after too, so that presumably we can keep on this side of a bad cold.

Something that always helps is fresh ginger tea. Slice a handful of fresh ginger root if making one mug. Add a mug of water plus some to the pot and bring to a boil. Once it's boiling, turn it down a little, and let it boil for 10 minutes. The longer you boil, the stronger it gets, and don't forget to add extra water if you want to boil for a stronger brew.

Add the juice of 1/2 lemon to your mug (I usually add that plus half a squeeze from the remaining half), honey to taste, and strain the tea in. (or if like me, you don't mind floating slices of ginger, just pour)

It's wonderful for coughs, sore throats, oncoming colds, and assorted other ailments.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

a note on the longest night

When despair grows in me
and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting for their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

-Wendell Berry, The Peace of Wild Things

Saturday, December 20, 2008

winter solstice

My favorite holiday all year long is the winter solstice, and over the years we have created our own rituals to celebrate the longest night. On a winter solstice night several years ago, before we had our horses, my good friend Kim invited us to her house. We spent a wonderful afternoon riding, shared a lovely meal, and ended the evening with our ritual of reading poems by candlelight beneath the dark night sky.

What happened with Kim's horses as we went from barn to barn with treats and candles was the first of many solstices to come that we would share with horses. We are fortunate indeed to have our own barn now, filled with our delightful and wise partners in zen: Keil Bay, Apache Moon, Cody, Salina, Rafer Johnson, and Redford.

Tomorrow night we'll make some magic with the herd, and count our blessings.

Matthew's photo from the Great Smoky National Park is another favorite: hoarfrost, which has its own magic.

And a poem I wrote following our solstice with Kim and her horses. I have never spent time editing it, so in a way it's still in progress, but it captures some of what we shared that evening, and what became a central part of our yearly celebration.

Happy Winter Solstice, all!

Winter’s Solstice With Kim

Afternoon we ride patterns in the ring
as the sun lows and then slides from sight.
Smack of girth on saddle as we untack in dusk,
feed before dark falls,
prepare dinner for our hungry selves.

Holiday cookies and red wine.
White candles which we light
and take outside
to the little hill
beyond Fred’s paddock.

We chant, recite the typed out poems
while high above the wide dark sky
is smeared with stars.
We hold tiny flames
against the night.

Processional, the long slow walk
to the barn
Apples and carrots for the horses
Fred circles in his stall
and takes his treats, accepts warm hands
along his velvet nose.

We march in single file to the mares’ barn
Flames protected by cupped hands
Annie and Nix wait patiently with their babies
Firefly and Fenix
While Winnie nickers and paces.

Share warm breath with horses.
In unison we go silent:
sacred space.

We celebrate
this longest night.

Go home with love and light.