Thursday, March 21, 2019

Synchronicity and the writing life

I stopped by NCSU’s Gregg Museum today and was charmed to see that all three of their current exhibits held special meaning for me.

“Borderlands” is a poignant set of large photographs and actual items collected by the artist along the US/Mexico border. Clothing, personal articles, pathways through trees and signs of river crossings. The writing project next in line is intimately connected with the border and border crossings and I was stunned to see the artist’s documentation of what is happening there.

“Explorations” is a found object sculptor’s use of seismograph “bowls” she purchased at a government surplus outlet. She has created a way to connect them to the USGS earthquake site and as you’re standing there small arms using golf balls as striking instruments sound the bowls to mark real time seismic activity. There’s also a meter showing your footsteps and the “mark” you’re making on the earth as you walk through the exhibit. Yesterday I was editing a novel chapter titled “Little Earthquakes” and today I was listening to the sounds marking little earthquakes happening around the world.

The third exhibit was called “Liberty” and showcased NC visionary folk artists, which is a special interest of mine. I have several pieces by NC artists working in this genre and I adore the Wilmington, NC artist Minnie Evans, who had work hanging today. What a treat!

The writing life is sometimes difficult because it involves a certain amount of what an old writer friend calls “ass in chair.” But it also has its mystical moments, and today was a treasure chest of them!

The final synchronicity: when I went to the bathroom and washed my hands as I left, I tossed some soap suds onto the counter by accident. Check it out.


Grey Horse Matters said...

It sounds like an interesting exhibit. Funny that it’s so closely related to what you’re working on in your writing. It’s an omen telling you what your doing is meant to be.

billie said...

A, it was very nice. This museum is new to NCSU and I think they’ve created a haven for artists and spectators there. I was so surprised to see the connections between each exhibit and my own work. I took it as a sign as well. Hope you’re having some warmer weather and drying out up there!

Matthew said...

I love the ?

billie said...

It was so funny when I glanced down and saw what I’d managed to do flinging soap as I whipped hands from soap dispenser to the sink!