Sunday, March 09, 2025

Refreshing Stillwater


Doing some spring cleaning, smudging, and refreshing the energy at Stillwater this weekend. Out with the old, in with the new. 

So excited to be hosting writers and other creative artists in 2025. And to have plenty of family time as well. 

Thursday, March 06, 2025

November Hill farm journal, 229


This photo popped up today, early spring, Keil Bay at the top November Hill. Life was good. 

He’s still with us!

You know it’s spring when I am out clearing winter foliage from the beds and have itchy arms because I have a very bad habit of not wearing gloves or even shirts with sleeves. 

I’m putting myself on notice this year that I cannot go near the beds without one or both. 

The redbuds are late this year and as one of the most visible signs for me that spring has come are its tiny fuchsia flowers. I hope to see them soon.

As always there are many spring chores to do. I’m continuing my practice of doing a little of a number of things each day, making the process more tolerable and steady. 

It still looks a lot like winter outside but the temps have warmed up again and seeing the first bed cleared and now ready for weeding is such a spring thing I feel the mixed messaging. It should look more like spring!

My days are full and good. We all need that right now - things to do that sustain us. Once again, November Hill provides what I need. 

Sunday, March 02, 2025



Last Sunday my son and grandchildren were here and the first two daffodils bloomed! 

Healing in progress. 

I highly recommend EMDR if you’ve lived through trauma in your life. Find a therapist who received EMDRIA-approved training and who uses EMDR regularly in their work with clients. It’s powerful, quick, and effective.