Monday, July 18, 2016

Travelogue: Santa Cruz and UC-Santa Cruz, my favorite campus ever!

Our first morning in Santa Cruz we found the coffee shop I used to go to back in 1990. It's bigger and better and in a slightly different location than when I last went, but the coffee is still wonderful and the ambiance is pure Santa Cruz.

We headed from there over to the UC-Santa Cruz campus. I was so busy finding my way and getting to the parking so my son could get to his first meeting I didn't stop to photograph the entrance to this gorgeous campus. So today's post will highlight some of the interior of the campus. I did get photos of the entrance and will post those later this week.

For now, enjoy my first walk inside UC-Santa Cruz.

I immediately felt I was in a state park.

The campus proper is situated in a redwood forest. I loved seeing this near the marine biology building.

Of course the first real stop was the physics and astronomy building:

Physics departments seem to always have very cool displays in their lobbies:

I explored more of the campus while my son had meetings.

This was the walk to the student center and some lunch:

This is the main walkway that passes between the student center, the bookstore, and the cafe, where I met an old (twenty years now?) cyber-friend who lives in Santa Cruz. It was wonderful to sit and talk on this gorgeous campus.

On my way back to the physics building. This is the campus! I was in love with it immediately.

After meeting back up with dear son we headed back to the car.

Everywhere I looked this beautiful golden light was beaming down through the towering trees:

This is one of the main drags on campus. It was stunning. Like a parkway.

The buildings were seamlessly integrated into the landscape.

More golden rays on the main drag.

The inside of this building was illuminated by the late day sunlight.

Even the parking deck was green.

Heading out:

Earlier in the day: I came upon this deer as I explored the campus. I'm not sure I've ever seen deer on a college campus before! 

There are many more photos which I will share later in the week. I loved this campus so much, and loved the quiet juxtaposition of academics and nature park setting. Of all the campuses we visited this is the one that puts together what I would want in a college experience if I were applying today. 

And I love the college mascot. The banana slug!! 

More to come.


Grey Horse Matters said...

It looks like a very pretty setting for a campus. I like how there are so many trees and paths.

billie said...

It was lovely. The paths from one place to another were such that one could ride horses and feel right at home. :)