Billie Hinton/Bio

Sunday, December 16, 2007

map and light

This afternoon I was on my way out the door when I noticed the light and shadow making its own path along the map on the wall.

There was something about the thought of light, shadow, and a map showing the way that gave me pause. It seemed to be a message.

Among other things, I love the idea that the light lies across the mountains.


  1. Good stuff Billie...

    I love your pictures of day to day life that are far from normal...

    I want what you're smoking!!

  2. LOL, Jason - no you don't! :)

    This one came out of sheer desperation for something more... ethereal... after a trying situation this weekend. (which, if you can believe this, was borne out of a lack of boundaries - how literal can my image be?)

    Hope your holiday time is good - I would bet some new photos on your end as well!

  3. Looking at the play of the sun on your map like that, makes me think of a picture within a picture.

    And if anyone wants to inhale any smoke, just wait till I make grilled cheese sandwiches. I practically burn down the place.


  4. Hi, L.

    I don't dare leave the kitchen when I'm cooking - I will get off on a tangent and forget it's even on.

  5. ah, tangents - that's how you find the magical in the everyday. beautiful picture.

  6. Shara! So good to see you - you've been away for a good long while now.

    Thanks for the comment - I'm going over to melismata to see if you're back there too...

  7. This is a delightful photo.

  8. Thanks - I've become fascinated with the shadows made by foliage on walls, inside and out.


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